Blue Rose of Stark

"Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds."she said.
" And when your tears have drowned you, the valoquar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you. "

R+L= J !!
The King of the North

It's so true. Yours did me as well.
I didn't comment on PD this season but I didn't have to.
You were right there for me. ♡

OH —So wonderfully said AJ. It IS perfect.
I was touched deeply by your words.

Once? Did you watch all 3 seasons?
Your opinion is your opinion. And do NOT I read?

Thank you for your comment . Sometimes things get lost when they shouldnt. I'm sure we'll hear about this scene next week but it bears mentioning now.

It seems that lost in the Dog Chow jokes was the most poignant scene of the episode.
When Davos finds the Baratheon stag he carved for Shireen, standing in the ashes of her pyre, his silouette was set against the Dawn sky. As shown here it had to be 1 of the most exquisite scene settings in the show's history, a

There are only 2 left now. Arya's Nymeria and Ghost.

You got that right.
The Torthers wouldn't go for it at all !

Well, if they did? They got Sophie at the absolute right moment. I will remember it no matter what happens from now to the end of the show.

I did, and was stunned.

I heard he's a very good singer and is putting out an album..

Where is Samwell, Gilly and little Sam? Won't he be in for a big surprise if he ever gets back?

Have we recognized what a stellar actor Iwan Rheon was 4 Four seasons of GoT?

Her smile as she walked away was nothing short of glorious!

Hmmmm, Thought as much. I wasn't quite sure but I rather like your 'lingo' as it were.

I was an Adrienne Martell fan. And Oberyn of course. But I can agree.
Martin did go off on side trips a bit much.

I'm sure Sansa will immediately have them taken away somewhere. Don't want to know where either.

L I T T L E F I N G E R.

Dimepiece = ?