Blue Rose of Stark

Is she repeating her mother's sins?
It does seem a little like show boating at the expense of the Fallen
—-How did she get by Littlefinger's side to make it look like 'she was saving' the day?

Show Dorne. Not book Dorne. I will forever say, the show's greatest mistake not including the superb portrayal of Oberyn , is how they handled Dorne.
If everyone here is a book reader, you must remember how great Dorne and some of it's colorful characters were.

It's likely- as someone said to one of my comments, (yes, it sucks but) Varys is likely there.
A lot of his history is on Dorne. Book Dorne. AKA the real Dorne. But yes. Darn it, Dorne.

She had plenty of issues. She was reckless and made many decisions that she regretted. Ned grounded her. When he left, she changed the course of Stark history forever. One could make the argument, she loved her children too much.
The thing I never will really understand- even if (spoiler) said 'Promise me Ned' &he'd

I am so with you on that. I was and will always be one of the biggest Stoneheart truthers around but I'm ready to let it go.

I agree. When Yara and Theon showed up at Dany's court like 'Voila here we are !' Hell yeah, I was surprised.
The Iron born hadn't showed up for years and now suddenly they've formed an alliance with Danerys?
Guess it doesn't take much to get right back into a main storyline.

I was happy to see Tyrion in a role that required him to be at Court fast talking himself out of a situation in typically brilliant Tyrion fashion , (not playing bartender)

She wrote the letter to Littlefinger. Yeah. maybe she told Snow. I didn't see it.
She wrote that letter without his knowledge, I believe.
Up to his actually fighting in battle tonight, he was acting pretty indecisive. I think ever since his being brought back, he's been different.
But — Did he fight like a hero

She took a risk she knew she had to take.
She didn't contact Baelish until they had contacted all the Northern families and come up with a fraction of what she knew they needed to defeat Bolton.

I dunno, in the beginning of the episode?
Sansa made Jon Snow's argument about him seeing worst enemies in battles on the Wall (I'm figuring he meant Whites) look pretty weak. No one can deny her knowledge first hand about the sadist Ramsay was.
Snow redeems himself in battle ( amazingly so) but the fact remains if it

maybe maybe not. …

Oh good I'm glad it wasn't just me.
One thing about the show, it's giving us more strong women's roles and should be commended for it. Cersei always was but more so, Dany now finally Sansa, and my real favorite, Brienne.

Did anyone else feel a slight spark of 'something' between Dany and Yara Greyjoy?

and the 100's of others we didn't see

It will. I didn't expect the banner go up on this episode. (I thought for a second, "What? Is that a really s Stark Banner?) It happened so fast.
Everything last nite happened fast.

Not a sociopath. And not even a pervert. I'm so happy tonight, I'll even give your erection a vote UP. You know what I mean

Yes, The bitch died by his own bitch(es).
Now- he is no one.

And Tormund and Davos live. I know everyone is going to the dogs but lets give thanks for our fave characters that lived, eh?

Ghost is on vacation in Dorne. Where all GoT characters go to take a break.

Mourning Shaggy Dog , that was very very hard :(((