Blue Rose of Stark

Yes but the show has been getting 'cheesy' particularly the Westerosi parts.


And is still looking for that High Born Lady of 'Something or Other' with a big family fortune, big castle, big tits and a big plot of land!
(Not necessarily in that order)

The Hound is a hero. Remember, he was the only one that treated young Sansa with any respect in Kings Landing and protected her from Geoffrey ?
I can only look at him in a good way.
Even when he was with Arya, she left him but let him live.
To me, he's an honourary Stark (at heart)
Now if he could take care of a

I would think she is resurrected already. Beric died in the book. He and Thoros is the shows point of reference to her 'coming back'. So, it may make sense to keep him . he's colorful that's for sure.
The Brotherhood are her protectors. SH is treated as a sort of deity, particularly for who she was in life. She meted

So it shall be written. So it shall be done.
—Yul Brenner
if you don't know who he is, broaden your horizons !

NO don't tell me that.
But you know ———then Arya is dead? The waif is still alive? Now that would be ……

OMG ! this girl is laughing out loud :)

Exactly !
At least he could've said " Ah! yes. Valar Morghulis, Arya Stark of Winterfell! You were a very good student after all. I will see you again my child ".
Then, he could've given her a small pouch of those precious coins for all the Starks— just in case. (one for each of them and the rest for Jon Snow,

So why do you think Beric (looking so great BTW) and Thoros of Myrrh, the priest who does the briging back, are even there, in the show I mean?

On the time line, I don't think he was there that long but its a point. Can you imagine if it WAS a year ?
All that time we missed on the divine Ian Mc Shane
(sob) :,(

I agree, I LOVE the character and think he's a victim of fate, but last night really made you feel otherwise, didn't it?

wow- true

No nich, hanging IS her thing. That is an important detail in her favor on the show.

Cause he' killed CLEGANE bowl'—- or because he's too easily manipulated ?

That would make more sense timeline wise and a Tully but Stoneheart is too symbolic in the books wouldn't you say?

I said a lot here on my belief that she'll be back, and seeing Beric knocked me for a loop. But it might not mean anything.
Why would the show even bring the Brotherhood back? So the Hound can join? They have no storyline of any real importance without SH.
How many references were made last night about anything

You know, it was interesting—- but ended up making no sense & leaving lots of unaswered questions.
Who is J'aqen Hagar?
Did he only want Arya say with certainty " I'm Arya Stark of Winterfell and I'm going home" ? That look of satsifacton on his face said yes.
So, was season 6's "the girl is no one" just "Arya's

Hot question for the week:
What would Cersei do ( if she didn't have Qyburn?)

Hold up.
This is Tyrion Lannister who we love for his brillance, not quips! Well not only 4 them—