Blue Rose of Stark

You know you've got a new kind of Tyrion on your hands when he hasn't even attempted to make Missande his 'whore'.
I do miss 'old' Tyrion a little though, a most human character, rauchy- brothels and all. But to be honest we've not seen much of him period, this season

Yes. She thought she killed him.
Brienne doesn't lie. I totally agree with you.
Buy did we see Stannis ' body in death? Her sword was raised Then? Nothing. Possibly she was distracted or thought she delivered a mortal blow. All I know is no headless body reveal? No comforting thought that the bastard who burnt his

Only one? You disappoint me padawan.

Thanks for mentioning that to me, I'll check it out :)

There are so many Davos put downs in your statement-
I can't even. .

Stop it.
Don't knock a pixie cut til you've had one.

Corrected. Thanks.
To be honest, It did bother me, hung I mean.

No Stannis is.

If she doesn't die first.
Her grandaughter is her spitting image. If anyone will do it Margarey will.

Is he really? Where and when?

Oh have him watch it . He'll be hooked .
I think I haven't been as upset with HBO as when they cancelled Deadwood.
It was the most realistic Western via the Gold Rush laced with ballsy HBO realism (aka nudity, violence, sex, drugs, etc). Everyone watched it and called each other cocksucker via Mc Shane's Al Swearengen


Yours is one of the best comments on the thread this week. Tyrion literally languished all season, except for checking on Dany's dragons and some snappy banter with Varys or Grey Worm .
Season 6's Targaryen storyline veered very close to parody via 'Kahleesi's' tirades, walking out of fire and the like.
What will I

But why? To this whole plot line with Arya, why ?
What purpose did it or is it serving her as a Stark?

You know , after such great episodes all season, I again find myself let down.
At least it seems they finally let Dorne go, thank God.

And the old lady she became . I mean how original , really Waif ???
Still that had to be the OMG MOMENT of the night for sure. How the hell does Arya get out of this one?

Yes!!! I'm in love all over again.
AL SWEARINGEN- the sexiest 'cocksucker' on the planet lives!!!!
RIP Deadwood .

But he's Jon Snow, the bastard of Winterfell it appears more now than before.
This hostile negativity shown to the Starks by other Northern houses is a bit much .
The writers (it appears) are going to great lengths to ask us, where is this supposed new leader, Jon Snow- Stark? Does the North know what Snow did at The

You may say different when he heads right back over to the Stannis camp. If anyone was THE AV fan favorite it was Stannis (before he killed his own daughter in sacrifice to the Lord of Light) Baratheon.
Oh wait. Does Davos know about Shireen yet? No don't think he does. So that might be a minor problem.

I doubt it. My only other thought is (horror of horrors on this theory)
She's letting The Bastard of Bolton know that she's preggers.