Blue Rose of Stark

I remember Beric in the show being brought back by Thoros more than once mentioning he gets weaker everytime. Tough dude.
I think it's going down in the Riverlands this season with The Brotherhood Without Banners.
Their main purpose when Stoneheart was created, is to protect her. Not for who she is but for who

That scene could've just as quickly turned into parody. Oh maybe it did.

Don't laugh. Before you know it, it will be the last episode.
That night is by far the most exciting yet most depressing of the year.

" He's holding the door. What kind of question is that to ask Uncle? What do you want from me?
I'm a moody teenager. Now I'm the 3 Eyed Raven too !"

I changed my phrasing.
I still think after all the mystery of who is Cold Hands, it was a little, well hey yeah guys, I'm sorta dead but you know how it is.
To me it makes Stoneheart that much more probable.

SHE means Frey. But thanks

Corrected thanks. In fact I changed the entire thing. Storyline, season and books can be confusing.

The way Ned was portrayed in the play was extremely hard to watch.
Also, in the book, Arya finding Needle, after all that time, was pretty great.
On the show, it wasn't given a whole lot of emotional importance. In the book, it was a little different. And a lot better.

And those Tullys !

He's said alot and hasn't shown up—- yet.

SHE means frey.

Yes Brienne and to your point (I didn't read your review before I wrote this, Myles, sorry. I expanded on your review view and agree, the timing is spot on for a Lady Stoneheart reveal. I still can't see Benioff and Weiss saying no to one of most popular undead creatures in the books)
So, these are my reasons why it's

Oh My God! Really???
Cold Hands is Ben Jen Stark!
Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that
( she says with sarcasm in her meh episode voice)

Yeah. They are holding on to the Iron Throne for dear life.

I was going to say, does she have an end game and with everything else going on, do we really care ?
Maybe she should go to Dorne. Now there she'd matter.
A lot.

Tommen is so not long for the Iron Throne. If he's the one keeping the Lannisters there?

Oh you mean Tommen the Pawn?

Props for Sam's stealing, er taking Heartsbane.
I am pretty sure Heartsbane is the ONLY reason he came home.

NEVER. Nymeria would die before she became one of the Bastard's dogs !

Is it me or is Danerys Stormborn turning into a Targaryen The 7 Kingdoms hoped they might not ever see?