Blue Rose of Stark

Yes, After the Oberyn Martell story which HBO did a superb job on, Dorne remains a big 0.
They should've included his niece, Arienne in the show and let the Snakes go.
I loved her rogue spirit and I guess show Elleria was the poor imitation.
HBO's been taking chances with the books and they've paid off well in all but

Enquiring minds want to know:
Does Dorne still even exist?
And if it does?

God, the whole Kingsmoot took er, what 10 minutes tops ?

Actually you're right . The writers took a big risk by taking Bran's storyline in this direction. And you have to wonder, is it a good move ?
Or the opposite?
It was a shocker any way you look at it.

That's true. He treats his dogs way better than his women.

I guess I'm gonna ask a stupid question .
If Jorah the ANdal just cuts off his arm will the Grayscale be gone ???

Well we finally have our replacement for Oberyn Martell , Euron Greyjoy.
And you know what happens to those charismatic braggadoicios.
It doesn't end well.

It was a night of many pensises.
No complaints here, BTW.

Did you see Brienne give him the 'stink eye' ?
Brienne of Tarth is the fucking coolest character on that show. Period.

Speaking of Dickensian, how about all those dicks in tonight's episode ?
There was a young lad holding his dick.

How I hoped for the reunion of Sansa and Baelish.
Sadly he had to get the last word in about Riverrun to gain Sansa's confidence.
Still Sansa has changed and for the better.
That being said, the lust in Littlefinger's eyes was palpable. Littlefinger does nothing and I mean nothing without (His Own) motive.

So much for that now. I felt that Bran's telepathic recklessness could be an issue ——alter the past or future, but wow —- he hastened Winter Coming in a big way.
You might say, it's like, almost here ?

Bran was always 1st & formost in her mind, she didn't realize though.
If you recall, when she was outside, and freezing, frustrated, having doubts, the Forest Child told her to stay. Stark- Reed Destiny wills it to be. Willed it to be.

Bran just did in one episode what G Martin couldn't do in one novel :/

A Wyllis by any other name is called HODOR.

Yes I agree with you….. But not before the hot sex scene though!
You know there haven'T been many on GoT since well I dunno .

You'd be correct. But only if you're (not) who your AV name says you are.
Like Bedilia Du Maurier, I wear Chanel.

The telling scene with High Sparrow and Margarey was a highlight for both actors.
Jonathan Pryce killed it. How devout though arent, you might say.
And Natalie Dormer held her own with a legend.
Great acting by them both.

Yes. I'm quite sure he had something more creative in mind. I wouldn't be too surprised if she did what she did to be done with it..

Oh please. Don't tempt them ! Let's face it. No one expected this Jon Snow to show up. His emotional reunion was Sansa, was well, really emotional !
& Now he's decisive ruler too? ( Heck, he should've died and been brought back sooner.)