Blue Rose of Stark

He should be so lucky.

I agree with the reviewer to a point.
As a Littlefinger fan, I too think his absence for so long makes no sense. It's not like he's a secondary character.

Monday Night Westeros Nightly News :

I agree with you. Brienne deserves the best, as she is the best.
She's one of the greatest characters on the show. Loyal? Good of heart, her allegiance to Renly, Cate and now Sansa?
No fucking way, I wouldn't want any one else with me at that dinner table last night.
Speaking of that, there were some great folks at

Besides 1000's of fans on board with this supposed conclusion, has Martin ever really confirmed R+L= J ?
I don't think he got that far in the books did he? Everybody saying it doesn't make it so, in fact because everyone is so open about it, it gives Martin the perfect opportunity to say " You all were so fucking

In a season of many many great moments so far, none can beat that of Jon and Sansa reunited.
Reunited, and we all felt so fucking good.

True! Hasn't it been like three seasons that a living Stark has been in the presence of another living Stark?

For sure, It was House Targaryen on full regal display. It was powerful. It was horrible.
But did Danerys enjoy killing by fire a little too much? Was it a victory or massacre?

Now you know Alexorella—-
Renley was quite the looker, a King & a Baratheon, but we both know he preferred smelling those roses.
In my humble opinion, Brienne could do way worse than Tormund Brisbane.
That red headed hunk is all man, I think a mighty mighty big man.
& well, Just between us girls, you can take big…. any

With the all the Families heading to Winterfell to slaughter his hairy ass, does it really matter?
For that episode, I'm already stocking up on party snacks.
And for drinks? Lots and lots and lots of whatever Tyrion's having!

Well well. The reunion we've been hoping for is at hand. Lord Baelish reunited with a 'new and improved' Sansa Stark.
Sad, What you, yourself, have wrought Ser.

Hear Ye AVers:
For what it's worth:
Might we have a romance on The Wall? Tormund Brisbane and Brienne of Tarth . A nobler pair shall not be found in the all The 7 Kingdoms.
I henceforth will ship them Torth in all my future posts (Tor-mund and Ta- rth)
But really :
If I know Brienne she'll dismiss him as another useless

And your comment in relation to this episode of Game of Thrones is ? •_•

Is it even important? But yes. He goes by many nom de plumes. I used the name that was coined here last week cause I thought it quite clever. &What he was then wasn't much better than he is now. But taking your comment to ♡, how about:

I am so surprised no one else has picked up on how important this is.
Okay R+L= J
Who cares. There's so much more to this. And THAT may not even be the case. And Jon Snow may not even be the hero we think he is. Well, likely he is but a lot of other characters are playing a major role in this thing.
But thanks for

I think that might make him go completely crazy. Even without legs Bran is meant to 'fly'

I changed up what I wrote a bit.
Bran's always been my favorite Stark and his return has been done in a much better/successful way than I could've imagined.
I wrote more about that in one of my previous comments.

Yep, and it just adds even MORE introspection of one of the most tortured souls in any book or show or movie— EVER.
The thing with Ollie- Jon had to know that the boy he loved did what he did because of his convictions. His Family. And Jon Snow himself is nothing if not about believing in what he feels is right.
To an

You know out of all the dire wolves, even Ghost, I loved Nymeria. Arya has to reunite with 2 things- well 3- her family, Nymeria and Needle.

Me too. As far as Bran's future , I don't think anyone knows that yet. Or how in what form he comes back to interact in real time with his siblings.