Blue Rose of Stark

Lena Headey looks good any old way.

You have to think that maybe this was Tyrion's calling all along. Tamer of Dragons.

But is he only a Stark ?
Or might he sense he's someone of 2 royal families that makes him chosen for a much higher calling?
Knowing Jon Snow's nature and sense of right, this will torture him much more than anything else….

I know, every time Tyrion takes over a scene , I fall in love with him all over again. Brilliantly self deprecating, wiser than anyone in his company.
So small and yet so brave, the Little Lion ;)

I'm not disappointed , I am impressed with honesty though. It's kinda a good thing.

Hardhome is pivotal for setting up the ultimate battle. The Jon Snow that the King saw, is NOT the same Jon Snow he'll meet again. And he probably knew it too.
Which makes me wonder, the new Snow. How 'new' will he be?

oh ok :)

No, Hardhome was the best ep. so far. I agree with commenter above.
Hardhome was the closest to a Big Screen GoT moment has come so far.
Mainly, for The Battle at the Wall, Jon Snow's kingly stance with Longclaw and for the bone curdling 'empty eyed' stare of The Night King with Snow rowing further away.

It was certainly full of main characters.
Even dead ones .

It's DinKlage.

Frankenmountain :^) ! A new Game of Thrones character is born.
You should copyright that Marcus. Fine AV er that you are.

I agree, he is a monster for sure.
Dr. Frankenstein was working on him all last season in the laboratory.
Wait. That's Penny Dreadful at 10😩

Right? I thought he was gonna fall and that was BEFORE I saw Euron. That bridge scares me more that getting to the Eyrie riding donkeys. But hallelujah, it's about time, KINGSMOOT. That was a favorite part of the books for me.
PostScript :
Reek will always be Theon Greyjoy to me , (taken by force from his family) to

Julia, with that name you get an all access pass to KingsMoot.

What would you have done if she looked him in the eye and said—
"Davos, No. I didn't."
Now that? Would've been a twist:^/

I know but it's GoT, I figured a enuch is a enuch.

Please! Any King, Ironborn or otherwise that had that centuries old rickety rope bridge to get from one part of his Castle to the other?
With gale force winds, rains blowing and throwing sea water in your face ??
Good God …..the man deserved it. Sooner or later it was gonna be Euron or a Tsunami.
At least Euron gave

Oh right he's still lurking in the shadows . He's a moot point though I think. He's got 3 things going for him- slime, luck, and location. Besides that , he's ancient isn't he?

How long will I miss Roose the character, not Roose the actor?
Stannis he was was NOT.
I'll miss him for one frigging bloody second. He got what he deserved. Sudden death at the hands of his Devil spawn.
No . Don't miss him at all.

I think he's likely PISSED off the entire universe of fantasy characters everywhere.