Blue Rose of Stark

Unless you're Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool or even just Ryan Reynolds, I'm not answering that question.
But If you are? I can be anything you want.
(I know AV , I couldn't resist though.)

Listen AVers. I had a pixie cut once or twice, I know. It can cause quite the complex.
At 5 yrs old, my Mom gave me no choice. I couldn't do anything about it.
So, as with Cersei and the High Sparrow ?
I know how she felt. Naked. Bare. Humilated. But the worst of all?
NO style.
There's just no getting over it. A bad

Well one never knows now that we are heading into uncharted waters (sorry Iron born out there) but I sure hope not. Since his friendship with Shireen I'll never Not love that guy.
I agree.

Hey, I'll take that along with having Tyrion 's book of one liners back anyday.
As said to Varys, his new cohort in crime:
If I didn't have a cock, I'd be drinking all day. Nothing personal.

I'm still holding out hope that she pays with Ramsey a visit.
If anyone deserves meeting up with her and the gallows, it's him.

No, He's just picky on whom he chooses to resurrect.

Naw, he is still relegated to being Jon 's best friend. Which is actually saying alot for Jon Snow.
Next to Ygritte, Jon liked him best .

A+ For Ser Davos- for making it this long, and still having his dignity, loyalty, and awesome common sense.
For better or worse he's a GREAT guy to have around. Who would've thought he'd be pivotal in Jon Snow's resurrection ?
And always seems privy to Melissandre's magic for some reason?

His face reveal will be the special effects dept. shout out to old school Zombie extraordinaire, George Romero.
And …Because in Castamere, Lions still have Claws. Come on now HBO, the Lannisters have fallen far enough already.
I mean, to top it all, Cersei with a BAD pixie cut ? What a huge Fashion Fail for the

&Just when we thought Ramsey had his sadistic perversions satiated last season!
No, he methodically stabs his father thru the heart and throws his innocent step mom and newborn brother in her arms to those ravenous dogs of his. (With nary a betrayal of emotion. Does it get any sicker? )

Not enough I'm afraid girl.

I do agree with you. She does have that 'gift' . And if she can get her message across more power to her.

The more you say the worse it gets.
That's why if Beyonce can do it , I don't give a fuck if she makes a billion.

More than you could ever imagine unfortunately.

And so you see how far things have come -NOT. That's why I hope Bey's words hold true. They are sorely needed.
More now than ever before in America.

Yes, I think it's pretty safe to say visuals are as important if not more so than words in Lemonade. Beyoncé Knowles is nothing if not a magnificent (performance) artist.
It appears she is maturing into a performer that might make a difference in America.
Her video, Sunday night on HBO, whether herself or uniquely

he was a dumbass

You sir, make an awesomely correct point.

I agree somewhat, my comment was too much. I think what I'm saying is that It becomes less important, nonetheless, a very interesting situation, & one that's unprecidented I think .
There's always been the 2 groups of thought on GoT. To AV's credit I think it was for Spoiler purposes to have 2 discussions on each ep.

yes, he is a bit of comic relief aka the clumsy sidekick :)