Blue Rose of Stark

God. I hated that character so much.

Don't think you're the only one who feels that way.

The more you remember about it, the more it truly was.

I think this may be Sarah Paulson's best season yet. She looks totally fantastic. A 90's (dead) retro look. That hair too !!!! Perfection .This yr is a welcome change up for her.
Her origin flashback with Iris and Donovan was surprising and an unusual reveal so early in a AHS season.
Is she alive ? Since the Hotel

Yeah I gotta say if he starts reconstructing these staged murders the comparisons will start . The 1st one had shoddy decorative elements& would have gotten only one thumb up from our deviously brilliant Dr Lecter.
How Ryan Murphy gets away with some of this stuff I will never know——

How about those jeweled pasties?

Am I supposed to watch that crearure the whole season?
And what does it/ he have to do with being a junkie?
The addiction monster with a pointed pronged metal dildo strapped on? If Ryan Murphy thought that up— it's damn scary.

I agree with you.
It's unbearable. But when Jude 'sees her' at the end, it's beautiful.

A power top . Oh God. Who the hell thought that thing up?
And why ?

Except for Edward Mordrake one and 2 it was.

Truthfully, I think it's kinda early to tell. It's Gaga—- everyone is going to be critical. I thought she was over the top but her character is over the top and so is she. So- how can she lose?
Her 1st big scene was having a foursome with her paramour, a very naked Matt Bomer who actually looked like he was quite into

Oh yes—sorry I meant eye liner. Thank you. I got so excited I skipped right to the mascara.

Yes and therein lies the beauty of it….

Yep I read that Gagas character is based on the real life countess Bathory on which a lot of the Dracula myth comes from.

I watched Asylum again &agree, it was by far the BEST season of AHS.
Dark& gruesomely creepy, it had compassion & human pathos unlike anything the show has done since. Yes, Freak Show showed glimmers (in Pepper's Backstory Episode) but wasn't the whole package that Asylum was. The ' Anne Frank ' episode(s) for

I CAN'T watch Scream Queens. I've tried and can't make it thru one episode.
Roberts is simply playing Coven's Madison Montgomery all over again but laying on the pompous bitch even thicker.

and 'Liz Taylor'.
( Denis O' Hare's cross-dressing miss thing)
That outfit- those 70's platforms, the Egyptian makeup ? And blue swirl of chiffon when he's walking down those halls with Lowe !?

Always hot as hell Matt Bomer. Love him in mascara BTW.

Lowe is not going to be Will Graham number 2 is he ??? Gee how original Mr. Murphy.

If Lady Gaga can get that much desire out of a beautifully gorgeous- gay- man I'm giving her an Emmy right now. Even if she said only 6 words and couple I couldn't make out.
And Miss Gaga, please- SHARE your secret. We straight girls have been dying to know since the dawn of time .