Blue Rose of Stark

Geez That dildo creature — has to be the number one most perverse for this show.

Oh my God did Gaga turn Matt straight?
Do those 2 have chemistry or what?

Sadly— I just watched this and am STUNNED. STUNNED.
This finale was one of the best I've seen EVER.
I could not believe, literally, the shocking end. Could it really be? Will and Hannibal gone? No way.
I adored Bedilia (Anderson) in the après scene. (Considering she MADE the beginning of this season for me.) She



Molly who?

Good point. It's quite true, their fathers affected each male character negatively and it played out in early demises for all of them. Sad.

No joke on the Russian mob. They are beyond scary. On that Pizzolatto was spot on.

Who is that on your avatar, on first glance I thought Clive Owen but its not ?
Yes- Add young Chad Velcoro and you might have something there. Nic Pizolatto with a Jack the Ripper theme !
Are we really talking TWO 'gingermen', Steph? Be still my heart UN-beating ♡
With Ethan smack dab in the middle. NO ! Nothing weird

AHS is unique as the same group of actors are used every season. If you've watched the show from its inception , part of the interest is seeing who will play which character. In it's basic form though, yes, the shows are similar. Though one is network and one HBO. I shudder with joy to think what HS would be like on

True but of all of those that lived and died, if we are talking retribution Lt. Kevin Burris was there for the deaths Saints Woodrugh and Velcoro. Yes, that's Saint. (and you say I take these shows too seriously, hurump!) I hope the fact that tough as steel Ani Bezzerides and her ankle knives got away with all that

I get your point and particularly liked the first parts of your comment. The cynicism ran very true. You are right.
The symbolism part sounds too much like myself. (Don't take that as negative)
But question- did you take this from the entire season or was it the finale —after the entire season that brought you to your

Aren't you kinda surprised he even got back IN the car after seeing that? I'm not sure about what was underneath the car. I think it was water and only served to alert him to the fact the transponder was there.
Why would Frain cut the gas line. Makes no sense if he wanted Velcoro to use the car. But either way I

Isn't it though? Eva's one of the most uniquely gorgeous actors on the planet. Sin City 2 was such a waste for her .I think the issue on PD is timing- it runs back to back with Game of Thrones. On Showtime vs HBO.
It was torture for me on Sunday nites watching both. For instance the Hardhome GoT ep. was so intense I

You're right, I saw that honorary shit for Woodrugh for exactly what it was—- shit. And he was a solider too. Big fing deal.
Honestly could this season have gotten much more bleak than it was? I'm all for true grit, but come on. We got the opposite of last years ending which is why I so thought Velcoro was gonna

please I'm depressed enough as it is

Stop ! You are stepping out of Nic Pizzolatto's world. No positivity allowed. Only darkness every day my little Scorpion.

Yes and put him on the 4 Gig no limit cricket chirp plan please.

Well hopefully they smile and are happy go lucky on the forest moon of Endor. Anything would be an improvement to what Ray had here on planet Earth .

Right? Awesome job cabspaintedyellow ! Nic, you couldn't even give him THAT ???? God . Give the poor guy something, what are you a masochist ?
don't answer that—-