Spurious George

More of a casual observation, really.

Explains why those inbred space hillbillies can't release movies in the right order though.

Why does that painting of Leia up there look like Han Solo?

Can't thank you enough for this. She's perfect.

Hellz yeah, those would hollow out GOOD.

I will buy any book that contains lots of drugs. Probably just throw the book away after I get the drugs out of it though.

Kid's got a dark side. He's been through some shit.

I'm surprised Batman left him anything to put crowns ON.

No references? Where do you think you are, Humbleton, PA?

Batfleck is the only thing I like about this gloomapalooza.

Mr Freeze has "Ice to meet you" tattooed on his right hand.


Something incredibly racist and misogynistic prolly.

And Ben Affleck is laughing his ass off.

He's probably in isolation and they use him as the carrot to get Harley to comply.


Oooo… That was totally unintentional. Sorry. I was serious. I think Scarlett totally brings all that shit on herself and it is a riot watching her get her comeuppance.

This movie is hilarious. It has always been my favorite black comedy.

Where you just pointed? That's not where poop comes from.