
Awesome, Smash 4 tourneys will now be watchable

Cringey is the perfect word. The asides, the voices, the ADD editing... jesus. Calm the fuck down.

He’s right though. Your articles invariably come off as self-important and arrogant. Same with the aggressive I’m-trying-hard-to-be-funny videos you make.

I don’t disagree with your opinion. I could never really get into Okami either. It’s just your presentation is very aggressive and cringey.

Maybe they can get his twin to play him.

Y’all. I love the stuff you discuss on this website, but I have an English degree, too. I know how to churn up BS for the sake of “discussion,” too. Making the creators out to be gun-shy at best or secretly racist at worst is irresponsible of you.

I’m not entirely sure what the point of this article is besides arguing semantics for the sake of proposing an alleged, unsubstantiated narrative; the whole thing becomes almost entirely meaningless with a single Google search for the definition of allegation.

I’m sorry, but what? These ‘incidents’ are so comically nondescript that they may as well just read “1. An African American man was discriminated against, 2. An African American woman was discriminated against, 3. etc., etc.”. To issue a ‘Travel Advisory’ and offer little more evidence than whatever the hell this is

Step 1 - Read the title of the article. It’s a direct quote from the interview.

Well said. What’s the guy supposed to do? Kill himself?

Good god, chill. The “meek protestations” of this “dross” you’re referring to are in your head; the man clearly was tormented by this experience, tried to fill the void with alcohol, and realizes that no matter what he does will never have the ability to make amends. What’s done is done. He’s one of ‘those’ people,

No person needs to be educated not to touch an unknown sleeping person and no man needs to be taught not to molest women - that is common decency.