
Best comment. How did I know this would be top of the comments?

She was brought on to the show for this purpose, and this purpose alone, obviously. Great job, CNN. Quality news.

“...and it looks right at home in elegant interface of Bungie’s loot shooter.”

1. When the Anti-Defamation League put a moratorium on fun and decided that since an alt-right so-and-so had used the picture, the picture now belonged to them. Joke organization takes joke too seriously, kills all jokes.

Jezebel deriding other ‘journalists’ for poor reporting practices. Right.

I would add to the comparison against Magic that Netrunner is not necessarily more complex than Magic (e.g. the mechanics and their interactions within the game are not necessarily more difficult to comprehend), but simply include a much larger swathe of mechanics in each game.

Is that how you came to terms with it?

Come up with a solution. There isn’t one right now!

Who cares who’s a piece of shit and who isn’t? I guess that’s the only satisfaction available from the situation, but it’s besides the point and entirely unproductive.

No one is blaming you, or anyone. It’s a structural problem. They’re blaming the mechanics of reality, which disallows the existence of any safeguard to prevent someone from capturing and spreading an image. The one thing they could do, try and force a charge for it, doesn’t stop proliferation as long as a single

Cringey is the perfect word. The asides, the voices, the ADD editing... jesus. Calm the fuck down.

Incredibly misleading clickbait title. This has nothing to do with ‘inventing’ a coffee shop.

Garbo community. Welcome to Blizzard games.

What a trash world we live in. I hate Jimmy Fallon, don’t get me wrong, but the fact that people are so fucking thirsty to be told how right there are 100% of the time, so much so that they make their (for fuck’s sake) late-night talk show decisions based solely on the host’s willingness to pander to that want, is

A writer ‘inhabiting an identity that is not his own’! My god, the humanity!

Basic (a) or (b) choices, no real influence, and a poorly told story? Sounds exactly like a Telltale title to me... at least they tried with the visuals, though.

_____ (Insert Entity) attempts to exploit _____ (Insert Emotional Event) Before Knowing All the Facts

Y’all the ouroboros.

Y’all need to chill, it’s Thanksgiving and it’s clear that not everyone in that room is as virulently angry 100% of the time as you.

It suggests that you’re less likely to adhere to ‘rules’ you’ve set when you’re in an emotional state of some sort. That’s human nature. The fix, of course, is to solidify those rules into non-negotiable laws via force-of-will. It’s the same as anything else; eating well vs. eating poorly; exercising vs. not; studying