

Sorry, but do you know how fucked up it would look for King Dice to be, quite literally, the only actual person in the whole game? This is a game about inanimate objects, animals, mythical creatures, plants, demons, and everything else under the sun that is not real. 

“... built more for novelty than anything else.”

Please find me the one current Communist country that wasn’t birthed with a healthy, hearty heaping of mass murder. Here, I’ll do the work for you: It’s 0 of them. Laos, Cuba, China, North Korea, and Vietnam. The Communist parties of each of these countries have participated (and in some cases never stopped

This is a non-story. Slow news day, huh?

Stoked to see the new legislation that bans assholes. Do you have a copy I could read over while I wait?

No, it isn’t. These people have something severely wrong with them, which is almost guaranteedly anti-social personality disorder (sociopaths, narcissists, psychopaths, etc.). Empathy should not be limited to ‘good guys’ if you want to have any hope of it achieving anything, since that would simply mean everyone with

Anecdotal evidence of a Good Guy with a gun arriving too late to prevent the majority of bloodshed is evidence that anecdotal evidence of a Good Guy with a gun arriving just in time is a myth. Mmk.

$14 a month is practically free. Liking one service’s programming better than another’s is one thing, but it doesn’t sounds like the ‘price-hike’ did this to you.

Seems foolish not to capitalize on it now if he really is trying to build a long-term base. I guess he gets the benefits simply by default celebrity status, but why not play it up?

I’m not entirely sure what the point of this article is besides arguing semantics for the sake of proposing an alleged, unsubstantiated narrative; the whole thing becomes almost entirely meaningless with a single Google search for the definition of allegation.

Yup. Turns out one of the incidents above involved the head of the NC Chapter of the NAACP who happens to have an ongoing lawsuit against the company. The level of sketchiness is absolutely incredible.

I’m sorry, but what? These ‘incidents’ are so comically nondescript that they may as well just read “1. An African American man was discriminated against, 2. An African American woman was discriminated against, 3. etc., etc.”. To issue a ‘Travel Advisory’ and offer little more evidence than whatever the hell this is

Step 1 - Read the title of the article. It’s a direct quote from the interview.

I’ve decided that I’m willing to take the plunge, and will be dropping way too much money on Hearthstone.

Thank you for this, especially on a Friday. I don’t think I would have ever given the game a second look!

Good god, chill. The “meek protestations” of this “dross” you’re referring to are in your head; the man clearly was tormented by this experience, tried to fill the void with alcohol, and realizes that no matter what he does will never have the ability to make amends. What’s done is done. He’s one of ‘those’ people,

Sorry, it sounds like the author over-hyped the hell out of the game, implying that it has the ability to do something not yet possible with current technology, and OP has pointed out the fact that ‘learning’ and ‘unlocking’ are two very different things. Somehow that’s explaining a subjective experience?

Nah, it’s identical logic. What you said originally just sounds bitter, arrogant, or both, and the fact that not even you agree with the underpinnings highlights out the stupidity of it to boot.