
Yesterday, while sitting in traffic on the way home, I saw what I’m pretty sure was the 2nd Trident II test (http://lat.ms/1iStuNk) this week, and managed to get a couple of photos, along with a compass heading (~230° (SW) from my location in Austin). I’ve never seen anything move across the sky that fast, and it kept

Uhh...you were using copyrighted material without permission. Tell me again how they were in the wrong to remove it?

There’s a perfect hack around this: don’t steal people’s music.

Someone’s got to pay for the hosting. Have you considered hosting them on your own server(s)?

You might be hard pressed then, since most content hosts would probably rather roll over and get one of these automated systems then deal with an army of corporate media lawyers up their ass. If they’re not bending over now, they will eventually.

If it’s your own compositions, there is no problem w/ using SoundCloud. They’re great specifically for the usage you mention as you can create unlisted links.

Yeah, the headline really misconstrues the issue. It had nothing to do with the podcast & they were using music they didn’t have the rights to. I don’t understand why people have such a hard time accepting that music, art, and design aren’t free to use without permission. Entitlement problems, but at least they got

If your business model relies on the copyrighted material owned by other people, and you do not build in a way of paying them for the usage, then you do not have a business model. The idea that SoundCloud has now gotten in bed with “big record labels” and that’s what’s “screwing over” these smaller users, is absurd.

So you used music that wasn’t yours to use and became shocked and surprised when a corporation stepped in and shut your program down? I mean, it sucks, but what leg do you have to stand on? “We supported Soundcloud for years” by believing in them? You had free accounts. They weren’t making any money off of you guys in

What is this mastubatory bullshit, Greg? Again, the fucking spectre of “disproportionate representation” rears its head, with statistics being used with no context as to their meaning beyond apparently justifying in this article the statement “blacks are presumed criminal from birth”.

I would have been out of my mind if this happened in my suburban, lily white high school.

They often don’t, but a lot of times you find that when countries that get the chance to choose after dictatorships...end up up falling right back in with them (Russia, for example). There is a variety of reasons this happens, but sometimes it’s because it creates a more stable country and they like it better that

Dear god they both suck and i hate the feeling i have that this is all a ploy to get them spotlight, but there you go. Now kindly get off my lawn.