
The fuck?

diy dude

Yeah but you can’t sample some Beatles song and then say “Creative Commons, bro!”

“SoundCloud are such dicks, they let us use stuff we didn’t have the rights to for years and then they finally stopped!”

Exactly. Hey guess what, that guy on Soundcloud doesn’t really have creative common rights to that Michael Jackson remix, dummy.

It probably happened like 5 times today except Shaun King doesn’t give a shit.

Whoever does the hitting has the power in that moment, dumbass.

Did you guys see the video of the innocent black kid choke slamming his old white principal in the cafeteria yet? It just happened Monday.

The people in Sirte and Raqqa are probably missing their old dictators right about now.

“Looking over his tweets from the past year, there seems to be nothing incriminating”

wow so punk

So it’s the same shitty hardcore as always except played by wacky “transwomen”? Jesus fucking Christ.