
As someone who likes Beyonce but found that performance to be antiseptic and dull to the point where she might as well have been a cyborg performing at a theme park, I wondered what other people were seeing. Which apparently is that she didn't screw up...not that the performance had any type of spark.

If by flawless you mean boring. It was shockingly dull, and a big part was that horrible new song (or at least new to me).

$$$$$$$. Corporations pay the bulk, and rising healthcare costs have been the stand in for cost of living raises that never happen anymore. It would be so much better if we had a single payer or universal coverage out of one pool of people.

I'd love to be able to treat every condition. But that situation doesn't exist. You should get free birth control. Anyone in your situation should. Anyone who can't afford it should.

I'd say it's more that countries that have always had a lot of resources can afford more capitalism within their system, like America. Countries with less abundant resources or higher population densities need more collectivism.

Well said. And like other problems, it starts with the Police. Until they offer assurance to victims instead of scaring them, women won't ever feel safe going to the exact people who are supposed to be protecting them.

My first thought was actually "phew" because the police didn't start throwing tear gas.

I don't understand what he's trying to say. Sure, the Sodomites were inhospitable towards the angels and were punished for it, but should we still deny civil rights to the inhospitable?

What about her going to the gossip rags the week before and saying the divorce was due to Nick's career and Mariah's suspicions of infidelity?

Suge is/was a Blood. He's always been open about it, most Death Row employees, including the security team, were Piru, and they always had problems with Crips at appearances and shows.

It's a bit complicated, because we love complicated government here.

It's not incompetence. It's stonewalling until forced to release information.

I totally thought you were Emma Carmichael! I'm sorry. Anytime I've seen a comment from you, I thought that.

She also appropriated that fall.

He's not responsible, and it's rare to have a coach disciplined for student conduct. But it's not unheard of or outside of what the school can do.

Speaking of leaving because of the return of the pending system, before I go (and while I'm DELIGHTFUL, I realize nobody will even know I'm gone) I just wanted to say that it seems like things have gotten more consistent around here since you've been at the helm. You seem like you're doing a good job.

Very true, but I honestly don't get why we're supposed to be upset. The superintendent was a dick. If you throw a rock in a room full of them, you're going to hit a dick and probably another on the carom. A large group of girls being called skanks by the Superintendent isn't going to affect their long term self

Yes, everybody is in the gray now, but somehow it's still okay to post hideous gifs.

I appreciate what you're saying, but I disagree. Not because I know more or anything, but just because some drugs are immediate life savers.

Looks like both. The butt implant causes the abnormal shape, and the fat injections fill out the bounce. That's why Kardashian has a butt that stays permanently curved at the top but balloons out into that unnatural shape at certain angles.