
I mean, I don't agree with the rape, but the uncle was clearly grieving. We need to consider his feelings as well.

Stop it you monster! You'll screw up their SEO! We've already lost far too many gawker "writers" for not meeting clickbait targets! 2015 is the year we say #NoMoreBeheadingsInTheGawkerBreakroom

You're misunderstanding the point of the #YesAllWomen thing; the point was not to paint all men in a negative light, but to point out that all (or almost all) women experience gender-based harassment or discrimination. #NotAllMen was based on this misunderstanding; every feminist knows that not every man is a harasser

If those guys were residents of Cobb County, the Braves would move elsewhere.

I just love it when brothers and sisters are also good buddies! These two are adorable.


It took me under two minutes of Internet searching to find this 2007 publication on the link between poverty and sexual violence. I'm sure the researchers and the working group cited in the front of this manual would be quite surprised to hear that "no one" is doing work in this area. Not to mention that they have a

I agree. Speaking as a foreign resident, "Happiness" is paramount in American culture - it makes Americans quite ambitious and infectiously optimistic (which frankly makes Americans fun to be around in general), but also quite prone to depression when eventually their dreamworld comes crashing down - usually by the

Based on my experience, I figured their business model was surreptitiously changing the default search engine on my browser.

I find it so weird how Jezebel reports on these sorts of studies. If a study points to there being some kind of difference between men and women, half the time Jezebel will be all skeptical and suggest the study must be using sexist methodology or working from sexist assumptions. But then sometimes, they will

We are taking this seriously and apologize to anyone who was affected by the story.

I mean, look, I don't believe Harden is the worst defender in the league, or anything. But the notion that he's good at D just seems like people wanting to be contrarians who just understand the game on a whole different level than us plebes. Years after the statheads have won, too many people are still more

You have no foot to stand on and criticized this Times column for being a piece of garbage, since you still have not apologized for that piece of garbage articles Jezebel writer wrote about Saartjie-Baartman.

Let this be a warning to all adult NFL hecklers. Stick to the ESPN.com comment section if you want to keep your caps on.

You know, I know very well that there are loads of idiots that use evo psych to justify misogynist ends. But data is just data. When I was studying it, at a small liberal arts college where we only read primary sources, my conference and the male professor were just as likely to come up with feminist interpretations

You should tell Lana to smile, I've heard the ladies really like that.

Crazy by accident? No, Shindean, it's clearly a case of unintelligent design.

Okay. Hold the phone. Liberal Arts are not hard Science for a reason.

I dunno... I mean yes I absolutely agree with this conceptually but if we start digging into the archives of Jezebel, do we think allowing people to be complex beings that make mistakes or say/do stupid things is the normal mode of operations for celebrities here?

I love my hometown of Chicago, but Mike Ditka is one universal symbol of it that I can't stand. The guy is an asshole who stumbled into a Superbowl win on Buddy Ryan's back (there is a reason the players carried Ryan on their shoulders, just to piss Ditka off), and then squandered away some of the best talent in the