
But she also rips people who have bodies like her natural. Not only that, but Nicki Minaj is pretty much the body that's in vogue right now (along with others with the same shape and fat injections/implants). So when she starts saying "Fuck them skinny bitches at the club", she's being a bully towards a less socially

Ah, fair enough. I don't feel bad for the NFL regardless, but I guess I missed her being annoying. Appreciate the non-assholish response.

Yeah, she seems super high maintenance, super needy, and not very bright. It's probably not very easy to keep her happy.

Isn't it the same for tall and fat? I'm a guy, so I can only go off the men's plus size, but it's always either one or the other. I have the further problem of being tall and stocky rather than fat, and things like suits simply don't exist off the rack for me. Even the ones called "athletic cut" have like 46 inch

Thanks for letting me know. I doubt I'll stick around much longer here with the return to the grays. It's pretty gross how it turns into pure hive mind, like it's already starting to do.

Right, which was certainly a good reason. But the control group is anyone on prescription drugs, and most other drugs have a more immediate and overwhelming impact on those people's lives. My idea might not float your boat, but a bankruptcy really has a bad effect in people's lives. It also causes overall healthcare

She's not whining though. She is the one who got sued, and she's sitting there publicly laughing at her own defense. "Do you like that? (Laughing) It's good, isn't it?"

Also, why do my replies never show up even when I hit the show pending approval button? I'm guessing you didn't dismiss my jab at the pro life crowd, but it's gone.

I agree with you as well. Every woman should have birth control on her insurance. These companies are insane and posturing to boot.

Agreed. That's why I said "The idea that a woman can't decide what to do when it comes to her body and God is ludicrous to me..."


I actually do think there is an argument here. Medicine for cancer, heart attacks, and other ailments that could kill aren't free. They often aren't even covered, don't come in generic, or the copay is higher than most drugs.

Life begins when two people go on a first date!

Phew. I was wondering if it was totally okay for you to do. It's amazing how all these unwritten rules are for everyone else.

Did you and Gothamist obtain permission for these photographs?

First, let me do Ask The Mansplainer...my new column

This guy goes to 11.


Chelsea didn't react toward the term. She pretended JLo was talking about her.

It's the 20,000 to 75,000 group that takes otc pills at a high rate, not the under 20,000. Lindy just didn't read the source article carefully.