
"We need to immediately stop perpetuating the myth that pop stars and athletes and actors are able to completely determine the course of a child's life. The biggest influence in your kid's life is you and your parenting."

This is what generally happens. Bush seems a lot more clueless and a lot less evil now. Republicans started praising Clinton once they were comparing him to Obama. GHWBush is now respected by both parties. Reagan was celebrated by both. Carter has become a respected dignitary around the world.

This is actually really great. Usually music for girls is the most overpromoted, impersonal, phony product imaginable. It's nice to see a kid just making it through little videos he posted himself.

Yeah, you should have said that you don't find her funny, not that she doesn't contribute anything. There's quite a difference between those two notions.

Eh, if you're going to do billboard vandalism, make it funny.

There isn't any hard evidence that she hit him first. She said that she did, but the police have never commented on the video they have. But they did drop charges against her and upgrade his after they watched it.

If you understand they are jokey, then you understand what they contribute. Humor.

How much of the body image issue is due to designers wanting thin models because of how it drapes the clothes?

Not only does her art not have to fit your cultural agenda, but her answers don't either. I'm giving the side eye to anyone who thinks her little joke was transphobic or thinks they know anything about her intentions from that out of context, paraphrased quote that's the entire basis of this faux controversy.

Yes, she was 19. They started dating in 1999. It's impossible to say what influence Jay Z has had. Beyonce is incredibly ambitious and organized, plus she's beautiful and smart about her career. Maybe part of that was his influence, or maybe that's just her.


"It's hard to believe that we even need a comedic and heightened version of the Real Housewives franchise"

I was coming on to say the same thing. Ron Paul would sit there explaining basic gold standard theory to Ben Bernanke (while he sat bemused with his hand on his chin).

Ok. Thanks for clarifying. I did misinterpret it.

Pretty much every article here does to some extent.

Why? She sells one product- herself. She wants all aspects of her life to be documented. Shouldn't people criticize her individually? In fact, isn't criticizing her individually the way to know you're not being misogynist?

Ok, but if you give him attention, it will make him stronger. Everytime he gets in trouble for his mouth, his ticket sales go up.

Also a guy with a well-known reputation as an alcoholic that is barely functional half the time.

Yes, that is exactly what we need- dumb, broad programming aimed at women.

The problem here is that people treat social media companies like they are a community. They aren't. They are companies. Instagram and Facebook have proven over and over that their rules are discriminatory and inconsistent. The answer is to stop using them.