The drive is to get other people to stop being rude to overweight people. Whether or not it's okay has nothing to do with whether or not they are treated with respect.
The drive is to get other people to stop being rude to overweight people. Whether or not it's okay has nothing to do with whether or not they are treated with respect.
I just googled and found the answer in less than a minute. I could have hit a couple more links and still gotten it done in under two.
It really seems like we can't do much more than general awareness. We've got so many zero tolerance policies and rules that schools are already a bit of a landmine. None of the stereotypes of bullying are particularly true, and it seems impossible to know ahead of time where it is going to creep up.
No, what they were doing was trying to get kids out of a car. Maybe they handled it wrong, but you're projecting everything else onto them.
Well put, Kelly.
Exactly. Most of us guys get a simple no, because we're not already being creepy. Women can't be expected to be 100% sure a guy is terrible before giving out a fake number. If that means some decent guys get fake numbers, whoop de do. It's better than the alternative.
From the wording of "charged", it sounds like he wasn't convicted of anything. The Marines hands are tied in a situation like that. They can't go off charges, unfortunately.
Yeah...even if you're for the death penalty, I don't see how you can support the way it's done now.
But the nanny is just using one example. This whole article is arguing the example, not her point, which was even bolded. She thinks parents have too much fear of their children. The point wasn't the sippy cup, but that they turn white and quickly switch cups to avoid a tantrum. Arguing over whether sippy cup choices…
That's the biggest problem in the diet industry. I feel bad for this blogger, but she just admitted she didn't know enough about what she was doing to herself, much less to give others advice. Even though it didn't work and likely put more pressure on her, she's doing the same thing with "balanced" eating.
And after they asked if the camera could get it, Berman said "doesn't matter".
Good points. I am aware of the TRO's coming through court, but they generally are filed through the police office.
What an idiot. Everybody knows you get AIDS when you sit on a gay toilet, and the AIDS bug bites you.
This girl is so brave that it kind of hurts to watch her on something so bad.
That's the problem in a nutshell- satisfaction is more important than prevention. The feminist movement focuses on rape at colleges because its base is in colleges. The feminist movement doesn't want to dirty its hands with more complicated, less pliant sectors like law enforcement. The feminist movement doesn't want…
They definitely aren't. And yet, the White House is pushing reform at colleges instead of police stations. Nothing is being done outside the police system to force them to take rape seriously. Colleges are talked about nonstop. They have the exact same problems, and the White House could have simply given the same…
I bet Brian Kilmeade doesn't pay attention to the O either. :)
You brought that up, not him. He just put a pro-life comment (granted, not a smart idea here).
So much better. Contacts are for exercise and the outdoors for me. Of course, I have astigmatism, and the contacts have never worked as well as glasses either.
AND she's going to sue the venue.