
The fact that you used Tarantino as an example of high grossing directors shows you're out of your depths.

Nobody is their equivalent. What does that have to do with the 99.9% of movies they don't make?

True, but the majority of what bothers people concerning political correctness is the pearl clutching, fauxrage, and assumption from its adherents that their still-speculative theories are the same as facts. Conservatives are just as likely to be politically correct as liberals, just with different subjects.

If you look at this from a business standpoint, it's the easiest situation to fix in the world and shows how Hollywood isn't really based on profits and losses like they claim.

Yeah, he worded it badly. But it was spoken rather than written, and I think he may have just meant that they couldn't determine motive yet, with the explanation being a bad way of saying that you can't call it that until you know it was specifically done for being transgendered.

It sucks that people respond to you that way, but screw them. If you guys are happy, they can go to hell.

It was "almost always", I didn't say never, and nothing was in reference to the fear of rape, which men don't fear from women.


Who says things like "work hard, play hard"?

That's the thing with us guys. We love being objectified, because it's almost always in a controlled situation.

She is missing one thing- if he really was screwed by the police, the attention is the only reason his case might get looked at again. If he wasn't hot, he rots.

What hypocrisy? Guys make tons of jokes about women who get in trouble with the law. From Amy Fischer to Jodi Arias to every teacher that was convicted of statutory rape with a tween.

Vee was the best. The second she came on the show, things picked up. I was hoping she'd get away and have the possibility of being put back in next season.

In this case, the intent is entirely magical, as it's being made up out of thin air.

In no way, shape, or form is Rivers suggesting she slept her way to the top at 11. The joke isn't funny. It's not true to how Stewart's career unfolded. But it's just a broad joke that's completely about the alleged affair, not anything else.

It's not being spun out of context. Rivers just fudged Stewart's history so she could make a tight one liner. Sometimes jokes don't match the real life situation perfectly, because that's not the point of jokes.

Phoenix, you're totally missing the funny here. Spy magazine loved to prank. On this one, they created a fake teen magazine called Republican Beat. It was a satire of magazines like Tiger Beat. They posed as the fake magazine and asked questions to real GOP Congresspeople. The gag was that they'd answer inane, Tiger

Not to mention that we never admit how dependent our border towns are on the other country. In Texas, El Paso, Laredo, and Brownsville are the nice parts of Juarez, Nuevo Laredo, and Matamoras. The violence stays South of the Border but the money passes on up.

Think about it logistically. If 20 people come to work temporarily on your ranch and disappear, how many people do you think you'll recruit the next year?

Fair enough. I didn't understand you meant pranks. But I don't think you thought it through. Jezebel gets like 10 million visits a month, and you can't control what some asshole might use your info to do.