
I get what you're saying and agree. I can't stand Scalia, but he's much better than someone like Thomas who goes whatever way the mainstream conservative wind blows. At least with an originalist like Scalia, you know how he's going to come to a conclusion you don't like.

Kate, I'm honestly not sure if you're really confused by this or pulling our legs a little for the sake of an article.

Good point! I like her a lot.

??? If you summarize someone's opinion to support your editorial, aren't you taking ownership of the belief?

And he's labelled a doddering old horndog getting his diaper changed during his mid-life crisis.

Wow...Megran Amram. Impressive, Jezebel.

Wow...conservative and liberal pearl clutchers have become so similar that they're both criticizing the same video games for being too violent.

There are generally two or three "here come the trolls" posts for every actual troll on Gawker Media.

It definitely can. When you're bartending, girls on a girls night out can be really forward. I had my ass grabbed by quite a few, and it's not I have an incredible ass or anything.

It reads more like Callie had been waiting for the article "defending" Richardson and decided to write a criticism of it no matter what. It definitely doesn't make him come off as a good guy.

I'll buy your race card for 20 cents on the dollar. I'm holding onto them in case they ever get useful again. Then I'll double the price!

Have to give 4chan credit. For once, the prank was funny. Getting this dingbat to lose her shit is hilarious.

I responded to you because you stated your interpretation of the article first.

Your concept wasn't difficult to grasp. I rejected it. The article blamed masculinity directly, stating both the concept and the Princeton example. The title is College 101: Bro Culture.

Unfortunately, his sexual history isn't great. He was part of the early 90's sex scandal (though not accused of pedophilia himself, he let his best friend continue harassing the underage ring crew), and he was long rumored to be a harasser if he found someone vulnerable.

People criticize the older man/younger woman dynamic all the time. She is seen as a golddigger with "daddy issues", and he is seen as an old creep.

The article didn't just ask women to consider the reasons they binge drink. It blamed men. It's saying that it was men's fault when women couldn't drink as much as they wanted. And now that they can, it's men's fault when that freedom leads to bad choices.

Will is a troll who just wrote yet another terrible column, but I'm glad to see Wapo didn't bow to pressure and fire him.

No, I don't think you can't argue against precedent. I think the individual right off the 1,2,4th, etc. are all so ingrained that none of them can be removed without an amendment. I don't believe in treating the 2nd Amendment differently than the others based on what I want to believe rather than anything with

Yes, and to clarify my argument, 192 years of court precedence and the 2nd's individual right being incorporated into the 14th Amendment means you might as well be arguing against Marbury vs Madison. You want the 2nd Amendment to not be considered an individual right even though all the others are.