
Your argument was rejected in Bliss v Commonwealth, 1822. 192 years ago.

To start with, the Supreme Court has rejected that argument in 1822. Right or wrong, it's not an argument with any historical traction.

So...the consensus among the people who get to write an article if it's commodification decided that it was? Huh.

Or being accused of it whenever her high concept ideas stumble into an image that can be perceived negatively.

Also, George, you might want to learn the statistics you think you're debunking. The one in five number isn't just rapes. It's all sexual assaults and attempted ones as well. See George, someone attempting sexual assault is bad too. I get how it's confusing, but perhaps three minutes of googling could've helped.

But why should we have to?

That is such a great point.

Yeah, it's a subject that's really ripe for comedy too. Imagine how funny someone like the Broad City ladies would be with this subject.

It's really stupid to claim that #YesAllWomen is misandry.

Have to be a wet blanket here. A guy shit his pants because of that little demon voice everyone can do? Doesn't pass the smell test!

I might have misunderstood, but I thought the point of the scene was to show that the old school trope of the man "taking charge" is really assault. Like you said, Pam points that out directly.

While I actually don't want the accused to be tried as an adult, I don't think the current set up is necessarily hypocritical. Whether right or wrong, we essentially have two systems for everything except murder. We've determined that the juvenile system isn't enough to keep everyone else safe from murderers.

While each program now has to be done in a way that doesn't discriminate, the underlying basis has always been modesty in girls neatness in boys.

I disagree with this notion.

My opinions are super important.

It only took until the end of this thread before there was someone claiming men can't be feminists or feminist allies.

Usually in a tragedy like this, people look for someone to blame. Apparently, this time everyone has decided we need a bunch of culprits. Misogyny, guns, entitlement, privilege, revamping mental health, the police...am I forgetting someone?

It seems like the part that doesn't get through to us guys is how ongoing the fear of attack is for women. This isn't really about mass shooters. It's about how often women face violence due to some guy's insecurities, and how ingrained it is in our culture.

I think that's a big cause. I tend to think it's worse for women because as a guy, you at least feel like you're allowed to try. It sucks not knowing how to do it and is scary to try, but women don't even get the benefit of that. They're just standing there hoping something good will happen.

It's not only worse for women in number, but in degree. As a guy, the creepy sexual danger just isn't everpresent like it is for women.