
That's great...both the story and the fact that it's the only Mike Myers encounter I've ever heard/read where he wasn't being a dick. Good to know he's charming sometimes.

One of my good friends was in the secret service and was under Clinton's detail for a while. Apparently everyone who meets him is struck by his brilliance. Guys want to be his buddy and women swoon.

I always get a kick out of how the GOP is supposedly controlled by the evil Koch brothers. Meanwhile, Conservatives never stop talking about how George Soros controls the Dems.

No, but it generally causes institutional powers to harden their stances towards the disenfranchised.

I've never thought of that before. And XL of anything costs the same as a small. What a gyp for smaller people.

But there will be millions of tattooed old guys then. We're just not used to seeing them now, so it looks weird to us.

I have a problem with it because the victim said they didn't have sex, and that's all we know. This isn't a matter of there being no concrete evidence. There isn't an accusation. You've determined they're guilty of a crime they aren't accused of committing, at least yet.

At the same time, the fact that three different policemen shot at them instinctively suggests genuine fear for their lives.

"College should be about a wide variety of opinion, not just the agenda of the left..."

The one thing the billion dollar diet and fitness industry never mentions is there is at least a correlation country wide between how much we obsess about diet and how obese we are. We seem stuck in a counterproductive relationship where you can either feel bad about yourself but have your physical craving nourished,

Very true. Of course, the problem is that if Walmart paid a living wage, they'd also charge more for product, which would then affect the millions of poor customers it has.

Because there's nowhere for them to go that isn't fraught with political consequence.

I'm your huckleberry. I'm an Obama supporter and for any equal pay law but against all unnecessary executive orders. Not being able to get Congress to agree with you isn't a good enough reason for an executive order unless there is a state of emergency in the country.

Great job on Pete Holmes and @Midnight this week.

Lindy, can you please stop using that Nicky Minaj video as an example of how men are aggressive but women are called bitches?

They'd have kicked that girly haired guy right out!

Unfortunately, only one poll has shown his lead down to single digits this year. Even in that one (Emerson College), she was behind by 7 with only 9% undecided.

Wait, 10 tweets from people who are in the same circle as the author, combined with ignoring contrary tweets, doesn't constitute Black America's Opinion?

You can spell judgment both ways. Some dictionaries have one as the preferred and some have the other.

For $300, I'd go to the party, and you could have your way with me.