
Aren't the murder rates for everyone in fiction much, much higher than in real life too? We're not talking about the news. Everything is made sensational for the story arc.

It's hilarious when he/she tells that story about Hugh Jackman. He/She says the luncheons have zero influence...unless someone is nasty, or if you meet the director of Gravity and he's nice.

It completely hasn't. It's a circular argument. Women go to men's movies but men don't go to women's movies. Of course, that's mostly because there are so many movies aimed at men. What else can women who go to the movies often do? And it's easy for men to ignore "chick flicks" because there are so many other choices.

That's the thing with her...she constantly portrays herself as a victim while lying. According to her, she's never had anything except botox.

The death threats are not his fault.

I'd assume it's all laid out. Other than Ferguson, late night shows have everything down to the "quips" planned. The lightening round of questions was probably improved, but that's about it.

It's not. The decline in government funding and appropriations to colleges over the past 30 years has gone hand in hand with the increases in student fees. Pell Grants have not kept up with tuition. What has replaced both is student loans, of which some are subsidized and some are not, but the money goes to private

The Dixiecrats were old school Democrats, not Republicans.

Are you going to kill her with kindness?

Saying you respect a jury isn't excusing the death of the victim. You're making a connection that isn't there to excuse a response that isn't warranted.

Opheelia said it well, but I think you're giving them too much credit. They're moving forward even other states' laws are being overturned by conservative courts. I don't think it's anything more than putting up roadblocks for as long as they can.

Part of this is that Wendy Davis is a lawyer and knows the 20 week bans are blatantly Unconstitutional. It's not just that only a tiny percentage take place voluntarily after 20 weeks, but that she knows it's unlikely anyone will fall through the cracks before it is overturned.

They should have women only clubs. Sure, some guy would sue, but I doubt he'd win. I bet it would be packed.

If I ever find out Bob Newhart is an asshole like Cosby, I'm done.

The needless complications are a big problem. Those high end accounting firms are like hedge funds in that they sell the moon instead of preservation and manageability. There's never any mention that you can't have rewards without risk.

Neither Jesse Williams nor anyone else is claiming that white people shoot black people more than the reverse. Whether you agree or not, the privilege he spoke of concerns the shooter's assumption the black teens had a gun, and his perceived nonchalance following the shooting.

I thought it was funny how nervous Lindy was about saying she liked the article.

Yeah, Tx looks to be submitting less than its population percentage.

A friend of mine met and spent a day with Newhart and said he was extremely nice. I guess his wife was a gem too.

I have. It's great.