It's a problem if you're a guy of any size as well. Skinny jeans are out. Nobody wants to see a guy in anything leggings-inspired. So you have to go with loose fit in a higher waist size.
It's a problem if you're a guy of any size as well. Skinny jeans are out. Nobody wants to see a guy in anything leggings-inspired. So you have to go with loose fit in a higher waist size.
The IBTimes is a NY based business magazine/site. They bought Newsweek last year and have a full staff. The link was to their UK edition, but they are primarily US based. They're not the biggest or best financial site, but they are legitimate.
Ladies don't want to be on panel shows. They want you to want them to be on panel shows.
That's great.
Civilization is overrated!
Man, that's terrible. I'm glad you were able to figure it out that day.
It kind of feels like people would be angry in general. Sometimes Jezebel gets into a shaming shaming vortex where one person criticizing shaming is then criticized as shaming someone else who then is criticized or shamed...round and round.
It seems like it's all part of the same trend to me. Curfews, zero tolerance in schools, the microscope on teachers, overreactions by law enforcement, mountains of homework, more and more's all micromanagement of kids to make sure there are no bad influences or risky situations. Apparently, it takes a…
The beauty of that scene was that it was fair use as a parody, so they didn't have to pay Billy Joel.
It seems likely. It's known that most of the stories about him were planted at places like Gawker Media and other blogs by his publicist, which is how Max got on the best seller lists and such in the first place. I'd assume most of the stories in his books are fake or at least enhanced greatly too.
At the risk of defending Morgan, I don't think the born a boy came from ignorance. Mock raised her profile and got her book deal from an article in Marie Claire entitled "I Was Born a Boy". If the show is like most, they probably took it from that because it was the easiest thing to do. Of course, she probably wasn't…
Don't feel bad. Rooo sez is the worst, as you can see from her reply. I responded to her ridiculous scribblings twice, both times because she was contradicting herself, and both times she dismissed my comment.
So what is one like?
Wikipedia says the meta research suggests 2-10%, which puts it in line with false rape allegations.
Interesting way to do corrections:
One is real life and one is a movie. If PSH was dating a 16 year old, the same sites would have condemned it.
That's very true, but this case is a little different. The police had information that an African immigrant was involved and were specifically asking about Lumumba, who was her boss and had sent her a text the night of the murder about work. The tip ended up being correct, as the guy convicted of the murder was an…
In my opinion, you did.
I was stating my opinion about your opinion, therefore my opinion can't be wrong either.
Incorrect. He ruled on Happy Endings.