
That's why the site shouldn't exist. It preys on people like you in a vulnerable position. I'm sure another reason you've exercised some restraint is that public shaming could set this crazy person off worse. If you'd just had a moment of anger after reading some of the other posts, things might have escalated even

Lol...I looked up to see if they did cover it at all.

Just a note- thanks for educating me too. I feel like I've learned about what it's like to be dealing with this issue everyday. This thread had a good discussion about an epidemic.

That's a very good point. That's something we need to be very sensitive and careful about. If you're raising awareness, you're bringing up some really dark things for people who have gone through it.

That's really awesome of you. Have you found that the boys really just don't understand it before?

Those articles were unfair. It's true that the NFL doesn't put much of the money from the apparel through to cancer charities. They do donate a bit more than a million a year directly from the NFL.

It's frustrating, but I think it's fair for feminists to feel defensive about drinking and rape. Conservatives do like to use drinking as a way to victim blame or at least imply it. There isn't much feminists can do but be defensive until they find out more info.

Thanks. The other gray commenter also pointed it out. Amazing how many good gray comments there are!

Well bully for you.

From a legal standpoint she is right. Men aren't a protected class. Nor should we be...for one, it would make everyone a protected class, which kind of ruins the point of having them. But sheez, talk about tone deaf and insensitive.

She overdoes it so much that she always loses the melody and often comes back on the wrong note...which kind of means she really can't sing despite that great voice.

That's a fair point, but you're still describing the erosion of the institute's power. The teacher is creating the syllabus, leading the class, and judging students' performance. The position is always the one of privilege in a classroom even if it's not as strong a privilege as it should be.

Hey, what are you trying to do, get us to look at people as individuals????

Interesting. I would think there would be more outliers. BMI is useless for me because my frame is too big, and I'm not a giant or anything.

Age is definitely a factor for both genders.

You don't care if he's racist or not either, otherwise you wouldn't be okay with publicly shaming him before you know. If there is a him...we don't even know that much.

No, both because tone policing isn't a real thing and because you just gave the exact same answer as Maddow, Maher, et al.

My issue is that she may very well be contributing to that. She was part of the institute because she represents the school to students who rely on her grades to pass. The institute looked into it and decided that she completely could talk about structural racism in Intro to Mass Comm and English classes. Instead,

I don't care if he's racist or not. I'm more concerned with the reactions people like him get, if there's a real email on the profile.

I was infuriated by Maddow, Maher, and the rest of the liberals' reaction. Stewart's whole point was for everyone to take down the vitriol a notch. Liberal pundits changed his argument to whether conservatives or liberals lie more. He kept trying to tell her (and them in his prior comments) that it wasn't about