
While the prison lobbies don't help, the amount of public prisons and jails overwhelms the private ones. I think the real problem is the public's comfortableness with authoritarianism. Both political parties are authoritarian in their own ways. Libertarian values have been ghettoized into the Libertarian Party and

I'm starting to develop an allergy to people being dismissive and condescending based on their distortion of an argument rather than actually taking the argument at face value.

Yes, it's wrong that the world needs a thin, white, privileged lady to pay attention, but at least Piper herself is being sensitive and trying.

I'm with you, Bacon. I pay for the same reason. It's not just financial. As a guy, I don't have to worry about where we meet, or when we meet, or if we're going to be alone. There's not as many social mores about when or if I call. I don't have to worry about whether someone will think badly of me if I'm forward about

I swear that I remember you listing him as someone you liked, Lindy.

Yes, I know you were specific- "Seth MacFarlane is only funny to the kind of idiots who seriously think that "political correctness" has run rampant and like to say so constantly."

I'm not a fan of Family Guy, because it's so disjointed and completely ignores telling an interesting story in favor of a string of gags. But saying it's humor is only interested in puerile subjects and shock value is as tired a trope as anything the show could produce.

People will tell you the degree isn't worth it, but the numbers say otherwise.

I agree that nobody can tell you not to get angry. But the truth is that we can't police the responses to our anger either. It's not possible to control other people's responses no matter the situation. Some anger might be more righteous than others, but bringing anger into a discussion is likely to escalate or ruin

Yes, a big difference in the comparison is that the Honey Badger failed multiple drug tests, while alcohol isn't tested for even in underage players.

Plus those 20 year olds don't have any kind of stage presence, so it's also coming out of someone who seems wholly uncomfortable onstage. It's a creepy combo.

They bought the rights before it came out. They got it direct from a third party and were planning to release the DVD. But then, the day before it was going to drop, they put out a press release saying they were holding off until they could meet with KK. They did, and paid her a reported 5 million plus some on the

Mine waits until I'm in the living room. She goes nuts, wagging her tail and head in synch while walking up to me, but once I get from the hall to the living room, she runs over to the middle of the floor and flops on her back, rolling back and forth with her tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth.

She did make something out of nothing though. They chose standup as the methodology (*In order for comics to make the cut, their primary source of income had to come from concert ticket sales"). That's because stand up is easier to separate from the other groups like entertainers and actors/actresses. Otherwise, it

Ron White is awesome.

I agree, but it would've been pretty easy for Forbes to call it a stand up comedians list since that's what it is.

It's not just "bitches". Everyone deserves to be protected from rape, no matter who is around. The attackers don't have an ounce of personal responsibility, so if someone else can stop it, they should.

Yeah, good for her. She was just a 13 year old that made a video, not someone a record company was pushing down everyone's throats. Hopefully, she's gotten over the mocking she received and can win over some people with this.

I do actually owe an apology to Jezebel because I forgot they have to go through the house first today. Other outlets, such as Reuters are reporting the 20 week ban as well, which technically is true since the house bill (as linked) did have it. But it's not going to stay in there...here is the background.

I realize that I'm commenting in grey, but could someone tell Katie and the other Jezebel writers that the 20 week ban was removed from the bill before they started reporting on it?