
absolutely totally agree, we need longer battery life, i find myself actively not using things on my phone that i want to because i know if i do itll be out of battery before i get home

my next one? i havent got a current one due to the arsing about of the british government

it f*king well better be out on android. see i think id like to see chrono trigger but im not sure that i havent actually seen it enough already, when youre an old fart like me who has already finished it multiple times and seen every ending im just not sure i want to replay it again amazing a game as it is, i think

just one question. WHEN CAN I HAVE IT!!!!

no it doesnt unless you live on a council estate and know some scab dealer, that rez is full of bin bag and its the crap we smoked as teenagers, if you were getting proper pure resin then youd maybe be right but if its uk grade rez

some (foolish) people are unaware that smoking it is as bad for them as smoking a cig but eating it is a different story, so its smoking thats causing the damage not the cannabis

you assholes, i thought you meant the wii-u was getting a boatload of saturn remakes, i opened this article in the hope of seeing virtua cop and panzer dragoon saga and i was disappointed

but if you dont want a mac or an ultrabook but just a powerful laptop chances are youll be able to pick up a bargain sandybridge lapper around now or soon, my laptop is big and it is fairly heavy, but its powerful enought to do most anything even games, ill happily take that power and a bit of extra bulk over a

i dunno i think its moving to a nice close, maybe its not as good as it once was but it does seem to actually be wrapping up all too many manga just end up dead with no real conclusion or just go on forever but it actually looks like gantz will have a definite ending which is nice, i havent read the latest 2 or 3

cool is that a gantz model? it looks exactly like the bikes the osaka team use

What about mr garrisons "it" from south park, basically the same thing, although i wish that one would bugger will smith

with superhero movies being the order of the day lately we could have a crossover, "The Incredible Space Hulk"

i wish theyd just forget these CG starship troopers sequels and just throw a big fat wad of cash at verhoven to make a proper sequel

pah time is a rather flimsy concept at best, something we humans created as we have to measure everything and its happened for so long that its become very deeply ingrained in us, im pretty sure smaller creatures view time differently, think about a cat, they sleep, say for the sake of argument, 7 times a day, as far

it probably wont, theyve had a nasty habit of depriving us europeans of guilty gear ever since the dreamcast and it drives me mad, till the DC version i was totally unbeaten

see my barbarian was getting a bit battered no matter the combo on the later sections of nightmare but my monk has sailed to hell no probs and is coping fine with a variety of skills, im still having trouble selecting which to go for at the moment, its harder still when you have elective mode on

ah i see, thats good enough for me, thanks

i was just checking to see that someone made a TPB reference, glad to see someone did to save me the effort!

see you should be enjoying it now, youre at the age when hangovers generally arent too bad, as you get older they get rougher to the point that the bad times next day far outweigh the fun

i thought that was "yarii" or "yarimashita"