
oh theres a bbc america, its great to know that my extortionate licence fee is being used to provide free programming for those abroad whilst we are forced to pay for it.

im willing to bet that an FF7 remake would still net them a pretty penny, and as the game is already written and just really needs a graphical update so it would cost less to produce and no doubt sell millions of copies, it may not be the constant cash cow that mmorpgs are but itd make them a tidy sum and theres no

maybe not cancer, but annoyance in spades, which is not good for mental health if we want to be picky! or stopping people sleeping, extreme hypothetical situation: youve been on a 12 hour flight kept awake by screaming kids, on leaving the plane and getting in youre rental car, youre tired, make a mistake, crash and

of course not, the front of an ipad is glass, i cant count the amount of times the rain has come pouring through the glass in my windows. (yes im being sarcastic if you somehow hadnt guessed)

sounds like theyre deviating from the comic quite heavily this time, the first movie was a fairly faithful adaptation up until the ending. not that i can say that may be a bad thing, the kick-ass 2 comics werent bad but it was nowhere near as good as the first

no one is losing out on their money if they can still travel, they just travel with people in similar situations, im not really saying dont let them fly, but especially on a long haul flight id be willing to pay slightly more for a flight with no children.

but the parent wanted the child though, they brought it upon themselves!

indeed, but thankfully cinemas here run late night screenings that are for 18+ only, and theyre the only ones i go to, but you still get some tit who cant manage to turn their hone off or shut up. to be honest id be happier if when a movie came out of the cinema it was also available streamed or on PPV or something.

i was indeed, but my family were poor as hell so i never traveled on a plane or even on a train until i was old enough to not annoy people so my annoyance level was minimal apart from my parents (and im their fault so they deserved it :P ) but is it that much of a stretch to ask for flights which dont allow children

you must live (or have lived) in one real crappy area!

or just make everyones lives that bit better by not taking them at all!

i used to work in a video rental store, often people would bring a film to the counter and ask "is it any good?" to which id reply "no, its terrible" if it was, people would often seem a bit shocked by my response but soon they came to appreciate the honesty. they came in to rent a movie, they may as well go home with

allowed, past tense, being the operative word there, usb can do plenty, you can even get hdmi out via micro usb on some tablets now, any of the features the apple 30 pin connector does could probably be done in software via usb these days, or over wifi or bluetooth.

its about time, every other manufacturer standardized to usb long ago, theres no reason for them to stick with a proprietary connection, im sure it was done for so long due to the many docks and fm transmitters and such, but everyone has to move on at some time and a standard connector across all phones cant be a bad

the linked articles explain it a bit better but unless physics, maths and quantum mechanics are really your sort of thing then just stay away, all it will do is hurt your brain! there are no answers, just more questions

theres a saying in quantum physics "if you think you understand quantum physics, then you dont" so maybe youre halfway there!

things dont stay the same as the show for long at all, there are a few characters and locations that carry between them but thats about as far as the similarities go, they havent even covered that much of the comic content and it differs quite significantly anyway. the only problem i can see with reading it is itll

i know but call me a sad nerd if you will, im picky about my headphones and want to stick with my audio technikas rather than swap them out for a model packing controls (plus i paid a decent amount for them, not an amount i could afford to spend these days) there were controls on the headphones that came with my phone

they may not be the best looking things in the world and they are a bit pricey but i see little problem with the idea, i walk everywhere in all weathers, i use my phone for music and often like to skip tracks (admittedly i have an ics image with volume rocker track skip, but many dont) i got rid of my ipod touch for

i started replaying torchlight to tide me over till TL2 hits but ive been busy so havent got nearly as many hours in as id like