
my current cat likes it but not as much as my previous cat, he used to roll in a patch of it and return drooling like mad, we had a flat roof and one day he was so mashed he fell off! only suffered a little cut to his head though

god no it doesnt that looks like it should be in the bargain bin not a new release

i know you can hold the button, but i just cant help but click click click

isnt it just a general phrase in japanese? ive heard it in anime and movies before, i think its more like a more polite japanese version of "hell yeah" if you will

you and me both, just look what happened to gaiden 3

you didnt need to wear the photon gear though, the guns both registered hits and kept your lives count on so the wearable bits were kind of redundant, i just used the sensor boxes from the vest as target practice and just played with the guns.

i love how the XXXL is already sold out!

yeah sometimes dodgy translations can be great fun, i had some of the dodgy chinese dvd box sets of anime series and the subs were sometimes just awesome, for example the intro to fist of the north star is translated as "a 2000 year old art of horrible thuggery ken" and in mazinger Z baron ashura was referred to in

i wouldnt say that yet, the barbarian soon becomes rather underpowered compared to the other classes, but im not a fan of ranged characters so its a choice of barbarian or monk for me, really i wish they had balanced it a little more with a 3rd melee class, seems odd that there are 3 ranged and only 2 melee. but maybe

do not want, the effort and cash should have been used to remake or make a sequel to panzer dragoon saga, also why the hell has there been no nights remake or HD version, the saturn is still as cruelly ignored now as it was back in the day, ah well doesnt matter too much to me, i still have the originals

sorry no time to read the full article just having a break then its back on for more grinding on hell, i wish i hadnt wasted 60 odd hours on the barbarian when the monk is so much better, anyhow, cigs finished, brew drank, back to the game

you know a civil discussion cant be had on this topic! its not possible, but in my opinion these days it doesnt actually matter that much as far as gaming goes, most games look and run well enough with most any reasonably modern card, even my old x1950 pro can still hold its own in many current games when a backup

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... just needs a copy of strong johns!

ah a man with sense, nice to see, we are assumed to be responsible enough to decide if we want to ingest 2 of the most dangerous and damaging "drugs" in the world, alcohol and nicotine yet other non addictive less damaging substances are regarded as too dangerous for us to be allowed the choice. its ridiculous.

because its a legal substances machine. chances are the "herbs" in it are totally inert and serve only to carry a research chemical which produces the effects but that chemical will likely be legal too, these chemicals are newly created substances (admittedly often analogs of current illegal substances) which are as

indeed, although im guessing the ones you mentioned as based on mescaline would be the shulgin phenethylamines which are now likely all banned too, but there are always new research chemicals coming out and companies wont think twice about slapping them on some herbs and vending them to the public regardless of any

and before that up until 1997 you could also buy the hallucinogen 2C-B in japan as a sex aid under the name performax. it seems the japanese are rather partial to their hallucinogens as well as the booming japanese amphetamine business (from what i read amphetamines make up for over half of all drug related arrests in

yeah the end of that bike section was as far as it got on mine, the disc crapped out after that

there was also an akira game for the amiga, i bought it at a local second hand games shop many years ago but had to take it back when i found the disc didnt work after the first bit of the game but it was in english

im sticking with barb too, im not a fan of the ranged characters so that only leaves me with the choice of monk or barbarian, ill probably go with the monk once ive finished with the barbarian, personally i dont find him underpowered and havent had any real issues battling through yet. it would have been nice to see a