
i dont know why but i always wanted a master system game on a card, you never saw them over here, my master system was in fact a master system 2 although i did have a friend with the original red and black one which had a card slot, but no cards for it just carts

very very impressive, well done sony. havent said that in a long time!

maybe im just a cold son of a bitch, once i played all the way through fallout managing to keep ian alive right up until nearly the battle with the master, then he got in the way of me shooting another enemy, so i blew his ass away. and as for skyrim i was even worse, i used to hire npcs when i was weaker just to

wow, great, an absurdly expensive freeview DVR, just what i always wanted. or you could just download whatever it is you missed if you did miss it, is that really any different to recording it? im sure someone will scream about piracy but technically you are legally only allowed to keep a recording for 24 hours before

thats exactly what i was thinking, surely you could just grab all the cheap lego you can off ebay and make one

you had me worried for a second there, i thought it was on again

admittedly not really giving people superpowers but cats you missed the awesome King City off your list

i so hope that isnt real!

its not so much hours of play, in these sorts of games you basically have to die more than a few times, you have to learn the enemies attack patterns especially for bosses, you have to learn the combos to the point that theyre almost automatic, and if you dont get it exactly right itll chew you up and spit you out in

well we kind of had it sort of easy back in the day too, magazines and library books were full of games just waiting for you to code into your spectrum for essentially nothing! (well nothing but several hours of typing it in!)

well ill give it a go, but up to yet the only metal gear game i have really enjoyed was metal gear acid on the psp. although i thought the first one on the PS wasnt bad up until you fought psychomantis and got a message over the radio "snake plug the pad into port 2" way to take people out of the game

lets hope not, ninja gaiden was never meant to be easy, its a game that takes its lead from games of old that were similarly insanely difficult (think r-type, shinobi 3 etc) thing is like the games of old its not an impossible difficulty, dont get me wrong its hard as hell but you always have the feeling that if you

looks ok but im still no sure if a vita is the way to go for me yet, but that said ive run out of decent games to play on my 3ds so it may end up traded in for a vita come launch day

wow i may have to actually play this, i hope the wii still works, it hasnt been turned on in a LONG time

yep, im often asked by many people what anti virus program i use and they often seem very shocked when i say "none" you nailed it perfectly when you said

eek, the model in that picture is the one i have! hope it isnt that one that went bang

you know i think i can, it translates to something like this: if youre a lazy git who cant be bothered to do a manual pour over should you want filter coffee, then shelling out a lot more for these machines that brew a sub par cup is as close as youll get to a decent cup of coffee.

it seems to be doesnt it, personally i prefer to drink espresso/latte so by a hell of a large margin im willing to bet my gaggia pumps out a better cup than anything those machines can come close to, sure it was more expensive but it was worth it.

actually no, the coffee maker on my counter is infinitely superior to that thing, its called a gaggia classic, if you dont want espresso just get a manual pour over like a chemex or kalita etc, there is not really any automatic coffee maker that will replace doing it properly, if youre lazy then put up with your

or....... teamviewer for android (and maybe iOS i dont know) magically control your entire PC from anywhere in the world