
evidently you have a lot more money than many people do, that much would make a hell of a difference to my life i know that much

its not exactly a big deal, there are plenty of exchanges about where you can flog your coins

nope, in fact it wasnt until i loaded up this very site about 5 mins ago that i even realized it was valentines day, not that i in any way endorse such a commercial schill of a "holiday" if you can call it that. but its a good job i dont have a girlfriend as im sure she would have remembered

then maybe they can finally get their arse in gear and send out some more god damn copies of tales of the abyss, of the 12 shops locally that ive been to only one even remembered having any copies at all delivered on release and they only got 2, ive still yet to see a copy be it new or second hand and it really annoys

the others im not sure about, but the machinarium soundtrack is utterly fantastic, i already have it though as it came with the game

well i havent and its never taken me any special amount of effort, its just simply looking after the things you own, generally youre phone and wallet are worth quite a bit of money why on earth would you leave them lying about? so im sure youre right people have lost their phones and wallets before but i have no

kind of ironic that bits landed on on the opposition platform, youd expect this to be a windows phone app really

bitcoins: cheap, fast, private, anonymous and reasonably safe, well as safe as cash in note form anyway

well for now im happy to put my faith in bitcoin, and it seems an increasing number of others are too, it may not be perfect but its sure a step in the right direction, i just wish more places would start accepting them, especially ebay sellers, anything that avoids paypal can only be a good thing. but on the plus

so they need your phone in hand to do this then, so basically as long as youre not stupid enough to leave your phone lying about unattended theres no problem, and if you are that stupid im sorry but you deserve to lose your money until you learn your lesson. you wouldnt leave a wallet stuffed with notes around in a

so how does this work then? do the processed "images as sound" simply need to be heard by the person and they can essentially see? (no surgery required?) is there any actual sight or is it a case of learning what the sounds mean in the way that sign language is speaking if you will (there is no sound but there is

well most SSRI medications will do a pretty good job of it, probably more so than any of the stuff listed above.

well 3g data isnt cheap, id guess regular use would smash through a 500mb cap easily, hell i come close on a phone let alone playing games over it, im going wifi model personally, if i need to ill just tether it to my android phone

ive been using pcs since the 90's and never felt the need to have more than one, right now in this house there are 4 other monitors that could be connected up but i see no point at all, i can only really be doing one thing at once and an alt+tab isnt that hard to do. i guess it could be useful in some jobs but at home

awesome, thanks, i was just about to replay it on the ps2 having recently re-finished FF III on the ds but i think ill hold off for the vita version now (i hope they include japanese audio too)

what about FF V and VI for the 3ds in the same style as they did III and IV on the DS? it would be nice to see FF X be a vita release rather than a PS3 one too

adventure time is easily the best thing to hit cartoon network in years, its awesome

actually im willing to bet they use an emulator and rom setup, i noticed this on the mega drive collection on the 360, it was quite clear that they had used features that were identical to those used in pc emulators (it even used 2xsai filtering)

i liked the look of sakura samurai, so i hit the eshop only to find its not out here yet, so when do us europeans get it?

so what about the equally seemingly purposeless replica of sephiroths masamune that you won at the golden saucer?