because you didnt know the delights of altavista! it was the google of the pre-google era
because you didnt know the delights of altavista! it was the google of the pre-google era
freeserve kicked it off with totally free but a few years before freeserve came about in around late 96 a provider to rival compuserve or AOL came about that i spotted in micromart, "freedotnet" £120 for a whole year of unmetered not by the hour internet access where i only had to pay for the phonecalls! so thats why…
i was probably off browsing the net on altavista
moores f**king law again, for gods sake can we please see an end to the utter bullshit theory that is moores law, its not a god damn law, this in fact proves that, a law is something that can, must and does happen in every single instance without exception, now and forever, gravity is a law, moores law is a shaky…
valid point but ptsd isnt something that can really be cured, hence why i have my doubts about this article, although i suppose there is some basis in truth that if you do have a traumatic experience a spliff after will make it seem that little bit more trivial but once youre not stoned again the reality will come…
not sure about ptsd to be honest on this one, id like to see the results of a few double blind tests before id believe it worked but i have my doubts, im no doctor but ptsd is probably better managed with benzos and ssris than it would be with weed.
we dont get tylenol here in the uk, but thats because its a brand, and if memory serves its the branded name of co-codamol or a mixture of acetaminophen and codeine. codeine is an opiate (metabolized in your liver by cy p450 into morphine) hence its both addictive and worse for you than thc!
im not certain here but i believe it does, like benzodiazepeines inhibit REM sleep so its not giving you the best quality of sleep but certainly better than alcohol (and not as damaging to your body and no nasty morning after effects either) there is actually very little drug wise which promotes healthy deep REM…
actually i am a heavy weed smoker but i am concerned about its medical and other benefits and those who have cancer/ms/glaucoma etc, chances are ill have it too one day and ill be grateful of the research done, if it were allowed by governments and industries to be legalized for commercial purposes it could have…
actually thats not true, although they cant patent the original naturally occurring compounds that doesnt mean there is no money to be made, morphine is naturally occurring too it still needs to be processed by a licensed party. also no part of the cannabis plant need be wasted the stems and stalks contain fibers that…
ugh, keep up, they already have, many years ago a substance called marinol was developed its basically just pure delta 9 THC but its used rarely usually as an appetite stimulant, plus delta9 thc is not the only cannabinoid present in cannabis there are many others that balance out the effect, using a single one has…
you win the tin foil crown for the day good sir!
with you 100% on that, couldnt have said it better myself, i maintain that in this our current world where information is to be found everywhere freely, just because you dont have some piece of paper from an institute accrediting your abilities does not mean you are incapable or lacking in knowledge.
how sad, even the greatest men can sire complete assholes it seems
actually lsd has more papers written about its potential medical uses than almost any other drug going, also mdma was also shown to have marked effects on parkinsons patients too in one study i read, many many of the drugs in use today began with a psychoactive drug as the starting point.
actually thats saferole distilled from sassafras oil which is then chemically altered into mdma or fully 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, which is a synthetic molecule hence i suppose could be considered a "designer drug" as it is not found in natural sources. i think youre getting confused between a research…
you know what, id buy second hand and miss out just to spite them
which he stole from essentially a group of people helping each other out, would it be ok if i robbed thousands from save the children and gave it to cancer research? no id still be a thieving dick, or am i somehow missing something and its somehow accepted that its now ok to steal from anyone who goes to coffee shops…
he should have slapped her in the face with a glove first and demanded satisfaction, after all its only the right thing to do!
so the short version of this story is "arsehole ruins reasonable idea" what a dick