
the terms "hacker" and "hacking" are all too loosely thrown around these days

coffee from a donut shop probably didnt taste that good to begin with, a fancy lid sure wont improve it much. but then 99.9% of people have no idea what good coffee is, if they did im pretty sure nescafe would have been out of business long ago

the weather is not fine actually, its pissing down with rain, and itll stay that way, anything else just wouldnt be british

that may be true, i just think that saying "water" is going just a bit too far, too many potential variables, "liquid" may have been more appropriate wordage, im all for theories but at some point you have to stop making guesses when they become just that, we need to stay grounded to the facts to a degree.

umm arent you using a pc right now? you can im sure download a freeware region free player, or grab a cheap multi region set top player, or just download it through a torrent, you own the original its just in the wrong format youve already paid for it

thats very true, why do we assume its h2o? they could be rivers of anything for all we know, in fact it may even be more likely that its not water, i mean isnt it just clutching at straws a bit to say that somehow that water is that bit saltier than the rest (we dont even know 100% that theres salt there, sure its a

i think they may still also have one or two dollars laying about too you know

too true, for some strange reason my housemate sits there staring into his phone watching the iplayer and such when he has a perfectly good pc that can do the job for him right there unused, why i have no idea

maybe true but the oems need a big fat reminder that they need to get their finger out and support the hardware they make in a timely fashion not all this "itll be ready in 6 months" when the vanilla version drops then they delay it again. they could simply release the vanilla to oems and give them say a month max to

fantastic, shame itll never come to be

of course they play a part, but the community developers manage it just fine, usually much faster than any manufacturer and they usually dont get paid a penny for it. and yes it is partly the carriers fault too, that was an issue i hit with the hero, tmobile just wouldnt get the update out whilst others had it for

little distraction techniques like that are excellent, most anyone will at least hesitate for a split second if you show open palms in a "hands up" kind of fashion, its one of those inbuilt body language things you can use to gain the advantage when you need it

i may have missed it but i think you missed out the excellent "sternum rub" technique, if someone has you round the throat or whatever simply push one knuckle out from your fist and use it to push in the center of their breast bone, even the biggest craziest assailant will move back and you dont even need to use a

ive never used peroxide to clean a cut, im pretty sure i was always taught that bleach and skin dont really mix, a clean alcohol yeah, some other form of disinfectant actually made for the job sure, even a bit of soap or salt water if all else fails

yeah i cringed whilst reading that too, what is it, 400g per medal? at the current price for just 9ct gold (and i imagine they use 22-24ct) thats around 4 grand a pop, but im told itll do loads of good for england, i just cant wait for all the benefits to hit us in the north, oh wait by england they mean london, what

no the problem is that hardware providers such as htc say they need time and manpower to apply the skin/theme/their own crappy bloatware to the stock android rom hence the wait from release of the vanilla rom by google, then they soon decide they cant be bothered to spend out on that manpower so the update is never

i dont think its that hes doing it himself but rather that he is using a crap method, sure wash your car yourself but even those of us who arent billionaires know to buy your own half decent kit for the job. if youre going to diy dont half arse it!

never seen it, we get the proper version!

and i was just going to call them savages for it but youve said it soo much better

not one single comment that can take the game in its own right and not mention GT? for shame