
or you could just download it, we the (forced) licence payers have already paid for it, so go ahead you have my permission as a tv licence paying citizen of these great british isles!

why the hell isnt there one of these for europe? oh wait it doesnt include taxes and charges? kind of pointless then unless you happen to want to do a lot of travelling last minute, flights to most european cities can be had for less than ten quid each way as long as you book at least 2 weeks in advance but before the

oohhh can we have a 3 toed sloth shooting challenge next theres loads of them round my end, so surely everyone can partake of that one too

bitcoin mining is also a good way to heat your house! my friends 3 system room gets mighty toasty

but colin farrell....... i hate him soooo much

ok like i wasnt disappointed enough that they were remaking conan now its total recall too, if i see the running man next im going on a hollywood vengeance trip to sort these people out. try some new ideas damn it and stop sullying classic movies

oh how sweet that would have been, RP would be the perfect dredd

im sorry what? i cant be really awake and hearing this, it seems hell hath frozen over, the uk getting something before the us? someone out there acknowledges us as a real place with people that want things, simply amazing

you dont actually expect anything online to acknowledge the existence of the uk do you? just like here in the uk they pay no mind to any part of the country that isnt bloody london, oh how i love seeng my tax contributions spent on helping cockneys get a wonderful upgrade to their public transport system while its an

i dont really see the logic in doing a live action movie promo for a comic, if it was an animated short maybe but even then why not have just released it as a one shot comic given out at the con or something

i agree choice is great, i love it, apple could do with learning that themselves and offer some real choice by opening their system in the way android does giving you choices on the functionality of your device rather than just letting you pick one of two colours and dictating everything else

not by this movie nerd

pratchett deals with time so well "thief of time" is one of my favorite books

you know it sounded like a good premise for a film until i read the words "justin timberlake"

i just need my phone and wifi tether, yes i have a cap but i stay within it fine, if i didnt id have signed up with three who offer all you can eat data, wifi hotspot access is a ripoff

admittedly battery life sucks by the looks of it but i dont think the idea is that bad by any stretch at all, with some refinement it could probably be useful, would you have had the same reaction i wonder if it was an apple product running osx, im sure itd be the greatest thing ever. similar to video calling, when it

oh wow!!! i never wanted an ipod touch but now theres a white one im going to sell my kidney for one. how is it even news, and why does anyone care that much about the colour of a gadget, surely functionality and build quality should be chief concerns, then the software and features, then last of all the colour of a

easy just make it policy that open bootloaders are to be provided by all manufacturers and provide vanilla android in the latest versions for as many handsets as possible, sure it wont alter the hardware issues like low powered devices but nothing except a new phone can sort that out. either that or make it a rule

agreed, it wasnt actually $1 million worth of stock they lost, the base ingredients cost a hell of a lot less than that, that was "potential profit" which technically may not have sold or they may have sold it at lower rates for bulk buyers or whatever so with the insurance payout they may well/probably will end up

actually in my little experience with hulu accessed via proxy i found it an ok service, why would you want apple to buy it, theyd no doubt crush the choice on there and charge a huge fee and make it apple exclusive, dont they already have overpriced tv shows available through itunes?