
yep because theres nothing wrong with the system we have at the moment at all is there? how "free" are you really? in this day and age democracy is just a guise for a dictatorship, there is no freedom anymore and thats just the problem

well we wont see them, ever, as our lte network wont be up for at least two years, and its really apple that im sick of hearing it from but having a phone tagged with it too just adds to the annoyance

see thats it, over the years ive become used to carrying my laptops around with me, even to the point where if its not on my back while im riding my motorbike it feels quite odd, and its never been a small system, always a beasty desktop replacement, vaios one and all, k115b to a 17" AR series to my current i7 packing

really you dont? crude, misaligned 1km high capital letters? shall we have the edges gold plated and diamond studded too, and while were at it lets have mcdonalds laser their logo onto the moon, thats a barren landscape im sure itll look much better in the trademark mcd's red and yellow

oh god a/s/l those were the days, yahoo chat, we even had yahoo auctions rivaling ebay back in the day, that was before google came along and ruled the internet, i remember when altavista was my go to search engine (and i just checked and its still there!!! take that jeeves!)

but if im on wifi im likely at home, the vans i have to sit in on deliveries dont have wifi, plus wifi and 3g batter your battery, much better to run from an sd card in my opinion

thats my problem with them though "tablets arent laptops" and as such shouldnt be commanding laptop prices in my opinion, tablets here in the uk are anywhere up to £600 or even more in some cases, also this one is too big, a 7" is too small, whats right, let me guess the ipad, and nothing will ever ever be as good as

is anyone else getting sick of hearing the word thunderbolt. incidentally this would be useless to me, chances are one movie and id hit my data cap, no thanks ill stick to putting movies on my sd card ta

a waste of time, effort and cash to blight the earth, well done prick

i doubt its phones he hates probably just that his girlfriend was yakking incessantly for hours, wasnt there a woman thrown off a train recently for having an incredibly loud annoying phonecall, ive wanted to ram a phone down someones throat on the bus before

nope, im afraid we dont get them in merry old england, it was a good old 50p

it sounds like some cheap whore on the docks to me

maybe its for passengers in the cayenne, youd have to be seriously baked to buy a car that ugly and expensive!

see i just dont like em, ive tried a volcano several times on visits to the dam but it just doesnt seem as good as a proper spliff to me, but each to their own i suppose

that looks more like a shisha to me, so you were right to correct yourself when it said its a bong, it has neither a chamber nor a kill hole by the looks of it so definitely not a bong, also looks a bitch to clean

that i dont know about but back when i was in school a kid i knew claimed to be able to predict the outcome of a coin flip every time, regardless of if i or he flipped the coin, i spent the entire day trying, im not sure how he did it, but he got it every time

umm an older gtr is actually near affordable now, you can pick up a jap import for less than £30000 these days, by no means is that actually unachieveable, in fact my housemate already has a 350z and is currently saving for a gtr as the next upgrade

now that i like

for me its all about build quality and thermal design, theyre usually very solid something important to me as i literally use my laptop all the time and cart it round with me everywhere, infact my last one was dropped, open at the top of a set of uncarpeted wood stairs, it bounced all the way to the bottom and despite

you missed an option, especially if youre miffed at a price hike, become a dirty pirate bastard, youll have more choice than at any streaming service anywhere to boot and maybe people going pirate will make them reconsider big price hikes in future