Yup, murdering dissenters is something we should be happy for our government to do. We are the good guys, after all.
Yup, murdering dissenters is something we should be happy for our government to do. We are the good guys, after all.
Germany isn’t allowed to spy on German citizens. They got around that by letting the NSA do all the dirty work. It’s going against the spirit of the law, if not the letter. Yes, it is upsetting.
No. A few years ago you would have been happy to have this info revealed. People deserve to know they are being secretly spied on by their governments. Wikileaks publishes the info that it has. If it had info about Russia it would post it. If you want to help with that then hack some Russian email servers or something.
I think it makes sense to move away from women’s only colleges. Women have been outnumbering men at university for decades and it seems a little biased to have women’s only colleges when the idea of a men’s only college would be shut down immediately.
Jezebel: Don’t shame people for the way they look, unless we disagree with them, in which case go right ahead.
It’s Arrested Development
Does “I’ve seen thousands of cops caught lying. I’ve seen thousands of cops break the law and still keep their job.” mean “I’ve read a some articles on Jezebel about this? Because a thousand is a big number.
So being a refugee is excuse enough for someone to commit this sort of atrocity? I thought you wanted people to accept refugees. You aren’t doing a good job.
You know about statistics right? A group that makes up the majority of the population would be expected to commit the majority of the crimes, so looking at the overall number doesn’t mean anything. When a small minority is responsible for a larger proportion of the crimes, then something is going on.
So it’s all good until the 1% of americans who are muslim commit 51% of these attacks? And until then we have to blame white men, even though the average muslim immigrant is more likely to commit one of these atrocities than the average white man?
“Man I really hope the shooter turns out to be a white guy so I don’t have to face up to my political position not fitting in with reality”
Chattanooga, San Bernardino, Orlando, This attack today. More than one over about a year.
You’d think you’d have learnt from Orlando and San Bernardino, when everyone on Jezebel was shitting on white men for being terrorists until it came out who really did it.
Chattanooga, San Bernardino, Orlando, this thing today. 4 attacks in about a year by Muslims. And what percentage of american are muslim? Not many, and yet they seem to be doing pretty well at committing atrocities. Your head is so deep in the sand...
Did you read the article? Means crossed the street to continue to confront Pulliam. Pulliam then shot Means. How can you get so many stars for a comment that is totally wrong?
Sounds like you and your friends are bullies
No religious symbols are allowed in schools. Crosses aren’t allowed in schools either.
That didn’t work out for Germany though, did it?
Can we stop blaming France every time someone commits an atrocity there? France is a secular country and doesn’t allow any religion special treatment, and yet for some reason there aren’t Christian, Jewish and Hindu terrorists running around killing scores every 6 months.
A relative of mine was part of the crew for Gavin and Stacey. Apparently the crew and cast had a friendly game of football together, which was interrupted when James Corden insisted that only the actors should be allowed to play. So yeah, he’s a dick.