I wonder why Jon Chait didn’t get that same sense of welcoming from his women friends.
I wonder why Jon Chait didn’t get that same sense of welcoming from his women friends.
So I’m like a million fucking years old and I understand that this has become my get off my lawn moment but I really do miss a time when selling out was a bad thing.
Indigenous identity is not about DNA. This is what aggravates me so much about those fucking DNA-Ancestry commercials where people find out they’re “Native American” (just that, not what tribe, or clan, or anything else), and suddenly they’re pulling dreamcatchers out of their ass.
No. The abortion industry collects dismembered toddler parts they fuse together using black, feminist sorcery into a giant, evil, Voltron baby which will crawl across the land eating Christians as if they were Gerber’s stewed carrots.
Sometimes you are just so burnt out all you can do is watch the dryer cycle.
The latter.
I don’t want to see inmates covered less. I want to see all Americans covered universally. I should have been much more clear in my comment.
She looks terrible. What is she even doing there?
Make America a joke should be his new slogan.
The picture at the top only serves to reinforce the idea she’s a criminal which I think in this instance is not helpful.
Birds are great! But there is also quite a lot of vegetation in cities, not just trees that have been planted on purpose. If you keep your eyes peeled, you’ll find weeds, moss, lichen, ferns, fungi etc growing in the most unexpected places. And even though the grass in parks is cultivated to crowd out all other…
It was made back in 1998/1999, but I highly recommend Life of Birds, hosted by David Attenborough-absolutly amazing documentary footage of birds and bird behavior. I’ve had the good fortune to visit some of the countries in which he filmed,and seen a lot of bird species in person, but I am also content to have…
Do you know what’s educational and a great way to see animals’ behaviours? Documentaries. BBC’s Planet Earth series are magical. Get the DVDs, watch them on your high-def big screen TV and be amazed by nature. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll learn cool stuff. And if you want to experience nature up close and…
Fair re: Jones and Zamata, although I would argue that Wong definitely could be included. Her recent(ish) special was great
Woah she plagiarized Melania too? Ruthless.
Hannah, I’m disappointed in the clickbait title. Claiming these agencies “did not present evidence” is not merely misleading but untrue. You are spreading same sort of misinformation that drives clicks for conspiracy bloggers and Fox News.
I mean, it IS icky, but it’s also part of how life and a woman’s body works, so men who can’t deal with it just need to STFU.
I join fellow biologists in the film in condemning Seaworld and I would urge everyone reading to avoid zoos and aquariums. Too little, too late. Real rescues that only acquire nonreleaseable wildlife should be the norm now. Want to see wild animals? Travel with a trail guide, ask to intern with a biologist or create a…