Sprinks V Herself

Maybe MAYBE it’s possible that you’re having drunk sex with your girlfriend and while your going at it normally on one of the thrusts your dick comes out and then hit her butt but you don’t know cuz you’re just chugging along and shit now she’s crying and ok it’s honey I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I didn’t even know I

Socialism is inevitable and I want them to take all your money.

Certainly not cosmetic surgeon advice.

Fuck the police.

Goldeneye will hold up in 54 years minus some uncomfortable attitudes towards Russians (but they won’t care anyway because they’re all drunk). The rest of the Brosnan movies will fair well as the glorious shlock that they are.

I give ecology talks and I really really wish I could give you every detail of my argument, as it’s more sanguine. But in short: it’s incredibly short-sighted to cling to each species instead of solving the root problem. The amount of money spent for these programs could easily, many times over protect all the soil,

I’m not surprised. It has pieces of walnut shells. It was the only scrub I could find in Amman, and, so every time I use it, now, I get a hit of sandstorm and tea with anise.

I agree, they’re cute. In fact I find most critters so heartwarming, that I’ve devoted my entire life (with just a little bit of art on the side for sanity) working mediocre-paying jobs for the sole purpose of protecting wildlife. I’m completely serious when I say that.

Well, how are other Christians going to know you’re the Best Christian if you don’t condemn other Christians for going outside what you would do as The Best Christian?

Ask yourself a few questions:

I’m sorry, no. Breeding an animal inside a zoo while their habitat erodes is simply the ecosystem going to shit while a zoo profits from pretending to be part of conservation. It’s sickening and immoral.

I’m so unbelievably sick of every statement about Israel not handling its shit in a way that shows even a modicum of respect for the human people living in Palestine being colored as antisemitism.

Biologist here. With a special love for Southeast Asian species. We can fight this. It’s a myth that climate change is the “biggest threat” to wildlife. It’s the illegal wildlife trade and habitat loss (basically a two-way tie).

We really should start spreading rumors in China about the healing properties of Republicans.

I am wedding planning for 2017 and I am also sick of these trends. I only get my period every 2 months so it’s been impossible for me to collect enough menstrual blood to make my signature cocktail. 

You lost me at Westworld and Arrival. Both phenomanal. You cray cray!

Yeah, it’s almost as if you have to think more deeply about what the phrase means instead of taking it at its most literal interpretation. Like a university student.

Oh geez... I fully missedthat, and now I groan even harder

This could have been a really interesting, creepy film, and they ruined it by trying to be cute and shit. Just think how usually dopey nice guy Pratt would have been as an even more forthright, sinister stalker. Let’s say she wasn’t the first one he woke up, and the last one simply “didn’t work out” and is nowhere to

THIS ^^^^^