Four years ago I chopped off boob-length hair and buzzed my head completely before moving from NYC to LA
Fuck the idea that children deserve gifts. It’s that attitude that turns them into adults that think they still deserve them. Gifts should be given out of love or because you found something you know the other person will truly enjoy, not out of obligation.
For me it’s not the wedding gifts that get my goat, but then wedding gifts PLUS the wedding travel PLUS the bridal shower PLUS the lavish bachelorette parties all with the expectation that you must attend and give a gift at each event. Like, I love you, and I know this is a momentous occasion in your life, but at some…
Wedding registries and gifts are fine, it’s the expectation that people must give a gift that is not. If you would like to give us a gift, please, by all means, here are some suggestions of things we would use and treasure. If you would not like to (or can’t, cos you’re spending a buttload of money just to make it to…
I never understand the hate on honeyfunds on the wedding site forums. I honestly have loved giving to people’s honeyfunds, especially when they’re going to visit places I’ve already been. I like that I can give the money and be like, “This $50 is so you guys can go to this one monastery I went to that makes the very…
Honestly, I’m mostly aghast that they were able to cobble together what looks like a fucking gorgeous wedding in, what, six months? Lesbians are magical!
I know this was mentioned on the last article about Agarwal, but she is the reason I, for the first time, stopped listening to a podcast halfway through. Her profile on Freakonomics was so awful that I couldn’t finish it. I was already super off-put by the way she talked about herself and her past goals, but the…
I love hearing stories about that moment at the shelter where your dog chose you. I live in LA, where most of the shelters have mostly outdoor kennel runs, where each run has a little room at the far end where dogs have shelter and a place to get away. We got to this one run, and couldn’t see the dog, but they had a…
Team Alexis all day every day! If that lady doesn’t make it to Bachelor in Paradise, then there is no hope for the franchise. NO HOPE
Yeah, that’s totally fair. It’s a shame how difficult it is to find and encourage nuance in public discourse.
God, thank you. This is precisely what I wanted to say. People have every right to hate this woman for what she did, because what she did was awful, but to be angry because the interviewer pointed out that she is both kind and hateful is missing the point. Not all racists are like Steve Bannon, and to imagine that…
On the off-chance this actually gets read by someone, I’m hoping some Jezzies might have some advice. An old acquaintance, who I haven’t spoken to in a decade but whose posts FB has decided, for whatever reason, I get to see, posted an anti-choice article today. I have always admired this woman for being a very…
Oh my gaaaaaahd yaaaaaas fuck, I love Missy Elliot. This video was like the warm, powerful, suffers-no-fools hug I needed today.
I will always remember her best as Harriet Tubman on Drunk History.
These skits are my happy place
So, can a Jezzie with a better understanding of the machinations of executive order tell me what can be done about this? Who do I call? Whose events do I show up to?
Nope. I also quite liked it. Not a home run - I think the color is a little much, I would have mixed it up with shoes and gloves that were not all the same cornflower blue, for godssakes - but it was still nice.
Can’t it be both? Can’t his family suck but Munn also suck? I have friends who have worked with her on films before, and they’ve sworn to me that if they can ever avoid it, they’d never work with her again. She sounds like a miserable, self-important handful.