Sprinks V Herself

Jesus, this, next to terrorism, is my biggest fear in NYC. I always stand far back from the yellow line when the train is coming in and try to stand near a pillar (because I think that I could grab onto it. I probably couldn’t. But. You know).

I made $20/hour for two kids literally almost 20 years ago, and I was just some idiot pre-teen/teen. $15 an hour for three kids in 2016 is criminally low, especially if the babysitter is an actual adult with responsibilities.

I thought this was common knowledge. All the house hunting/home renovation shows are “faked” in a similar way. Personally it doesn’t make a difference to me, I watch these shows for the entertainment value of judging other people’s taste (and learning about the real estate market in random foreign cities on HH

History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce.

Waaaaahhhhhhhh! Thank you for helping me write some lyrics to my new Country/Hip Hop hybrid song I’m writing. I’m calling it “White Tears and a Pickup Truck”.

I’d truly love it if Beyonce would stop wearing the same dress with different embellishments to every event. Her and JLo just never fail to repeat the same look/style over and over again.

Am I the only one who thinks that all those tiers of tulle might have been deliberately engineered to conceal a pregnancy she’s not quite ready to go public with?

Yeah...no. I, as a Black person, would not want my education money going towards protecting a person who thinks I am not fully human and should be treated as an inferior, enslaved, or killed. Differing political opinions are fine, but actual hate-group members? Nope. They can speak their views all they want but I

Listen, I’m going to take this as a sign that a long-cursed entity can defeat a racist mascot — and that it can happen twice in one week. Go Hubbies!

They encroached on some other less animal.

john oliver and sam bee are magic.

Donald Trump is the president America deserves.

So the guy perpetrates the violence and then blames the woman for not preventing it? (Checks all of human history.) YUP! CHECKS OUT!

Because our government could not be assed to do so themselves.

Forget the pissing contest stories, this is more terrifying than any campfire ghost tale.

For whatever reason, I was the most terrified by the mental image of a would-be attacker crawling on the floor. Just fucking terrifying.

I think I will start mailing all of my pads to Catholic hospitals in Texas, with a note that I am quite sure that they contain the remains of a miscarriage.

She is really an amazing person and deserves all the credit for her service to this country.