I thought this was going to be adorable and diverse toddlers explaining race. Instead I got yuppie scum being malignantly racist. Bad headline.
I thought this was going to be adorable and diverse toddlers explaining race. Instead I got yuppie scum being malignantly racist. Bad headline.
Seconded. Sure, we all loved her takedown of Newt, but it was like seeing Alien vs. Predator. No matter which one wins, it was going to immediately turn and attack you next.
I was going to say, everyone I know who is a super-taster tends to find strong flavors overpowering and to need to limit their diets to things that don’t overwhelm him. I going to go with Cheban being full of shit here, which is a safe bet most of the time anyway.
It also sucks to be the mother of one. My ten year old daughter can taste the difference between things that taste exactly the same to me, like brands of 2% milk or dry pasta. It makes feeding her a drag, because even if I can coax and/or bribe her to try a bite of anything new, she either gags/cries (hummus caused…
Aw, damn. As much as I despise Mike Pence’s policies, I can’t help but feel badly for anyone who just lost their pet.
Poor puppy.
American Indian is acceptable to many of us. Although we like it if you refer to us by the name of our nation.
What say you? I say — sorta!
This is so sickening, and so emblematic. White townships rejected the pipeline, so they’re forcing it through the Native’s lands. The police are taking the side of the corporation over the fundamental rights of the people.
Write your local congressperson/senator. Send emails to the White House. Donate to organizations that are working to end family detention! Some of the orgs you can donate to are RAICES and the CARA Pro Bono Project. There are also lots of other great groups.
This is probably the only last name I would take.
That version of Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me was so sexless I think my hymen regrew...
They don’t have knees on that bottom image. Photoshop of horror just in time for Halloween.
Also: let me just add, as someone who grew up in SF: If you raise your kids in Menlo Park, you need to accept that they are going to grow up to be softer than baby shit. It’s fait accompli. Your glorified trampoline isn’t going fix that.
Maybe she can respond that “congealing in a slaughterhouse gutter” is not birth and so he is ineligible.
He was also, and this is arguably his best role, the guy who says, “Then we will fight in the shade.” in 300.
Darren Aronofsky wishes to God he looked like he was 50% Fassbender. He’s more like 50-50 Steve Jobs and Ethan Embry.
Aside: Chris Wallace did a pretty decent job, IMHO.
The banhammer is gone, but your repetitive Donald Trump jokes are making me consider bringing it back.