Sprinks V Herself

Oh I meant more the clutch Labyrinth reference. Bowie + Henson FTW

Beat me to it!

Yup. I don’t know many artists who know how to beam sex in one look that way Marilyn Manson does. And not, like, acceptable sex - totally unabashed, indulgent sex. Like he sees what you really, deep down, want and is like, yeah, you should get what you really want Sprinks. Deep down.

I wonder if it was his awkward way of explaining how difficult and in some way damaging it can be to play a hateful character being hateful toward people. I can’t find the example, but I feel like I read somewhere, maybe re: Ed Norton in American History X, that playing people like skinheads is really hard on actors.

I wouldn’t even be mad about it if it weren’t for the fact that every new iPhone means that services for the old ones will get phased out. Have your bluetooth-only phone! That’s fine! Just make sure that my non-early-adopting, poor-as-fuck ass can still wring every last bit of use out of my older products. Apple’s

But this is part of the problem the ACLU is pointing out. If we extend the SOL, then states have far less incentive to process the rape kits in a timely manner. It seems to me that the solution to this is not to extend the SOL but to create legislation that increases funding and resources for processing rape kits

But, like, half of the jokes at a roast are about how a person looks? This is true even for the men.

I would rock that Kimono Tricot Track Jacket in a dirty minute. I am in love with it.

I’m a Comm PhD at a major private uni and teach Comm there. Communications, at least right now, is a very broad field. It includes everything from public speaking to media studies (critiquing movies/film/books/etc, as well as conducting audience analysis) to cultural studies (lots of overlap with anthropology and

None of those men have been convicted of anything, though. Terry Richardson has been accused of stuff in public but never been found guilty in a court of law. Bill Cosby is on trial, but has not yet received a conviction for anything. I think lumping them all together is actually really appropriate.

My parents didn’t even choose my name. They gave close friends and family a list of three names to choose from, and it was decided by a vote. But I’m pretty happy with it - they choose the first name that rhymes with my last (the other two options were obnoxiously common names in my family/community).

I watched that movie months ago and recently that tall man was in my nightmare and I woke up and couldn’t fall back asleep because every time I started dozing off I would dream him coming through the door into my room. It was awful. That movie was so great.

I’m getting married soon and I won’t be wearing a veil but if I can somehow get my hands on the veil that Winnie Harlowe is wearing I would wear it at my wedding and then every day after for the rest of my life. I’ve had it on my Too Expensive But Still Pretty Pinterest page for ages. I love that it looks just as

It’s also so hard because the success of the movie is not just to the benefit of the director. The success of this movie could launch a bunch of careers, for the actors, the designers, the production crew. I’m so torn because I don’t want to punish all those good people because of the evil actions of their director

Only ever post the ones you respond to. Those are gold, and my much-needed LOLs of the day.

I reckon I wasn’t super clear about what I meant. It’s not that black men don’t also sometimes get passes, but that white men always do. Can we think of a single white male filmmaker/actor/other kind of celebrity who is getting the professional rug burned from under him in the same way Nate Parker is for being

So, it’s ok then that Sean Penn, who beat Madonna with baseball bat and handcuffed her to a table in their house so she couldn’t escape, is still getting work? I’m not saying Nate Parker should be excused at all. I’m saying that if we can recognize that what Nate Parker did was horrific and should have professional

This is a comment not about what Nate Parker did or did not do, but about the clearly racialized response to it. Let’s review:

“All elite athletes are genetic anomalies, but this is the only one being singled out as the signifier of womanhood.”

The pull-quote on the back would be something like “She was finally able to claim his wood...and then reclaim it”