
“Jamaican songwriter Flourgon (real name: Michael May) has sued Cyrus for $300 million, alleging she ripped off his 1988 song “We Run Things,” according to a report by Reuters.”

Ughhhhhhhh everyone forgets how to read when they’re angry and upset. This article honestly was negligent reporting, not even the minimum of details, no wonder everyone is extrapolating nonsense I guess? Ugh. Just ugh.

She looks like a CGI construct created by an AI who has access to images but has never actually encountered a human before.

People can truly love one another and still break up for a lot of reasons. :(

I have a friend like this. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her stay single for longer than two weeks at a stretch. We’ve been friends for 24 years (since we were 14) and she’s probably been single a grand total of four months in that time. The main result of her inability to stay single is that she convinces herself that

I’m really becoming #TeamVacantProperty on this story.

I was in a car accident about 20 years ago (when I was 22). I was stopped at a light and hit from behind, and at the moment of impact I had been reaching down to get something that had fallen next to my foot so I hit my head on the steering wheel and the nosepads on my glasses split my forehead open in this really odd

When I confessed my sexual harassment story to a guy I used to work with, his response was “I always felt something was off about that guy and I could never figure out what it was. I figured I was being crazy, turned out he was sexually harassing a bunch of women in the office.” Sometimes you get a vibe and you don’t

I’m always surprised by the contestants (men or women) being upset about anything that happens on this show. Yes, Arie is gross and maybe emotionally manipulative, but the basis of this entire show is emotional manipulation! All these women including all of the Beccas and all of the Laurens signed up to ‘fall in love’

Well to be fair to all the bible thumping rubes, Obama was exceedingly black.

But there are so few queer roles out there right now. And plenty of great queer actors. Those few queer roles should first be offered to one of those many great queer actors.

On the subject of whether straights should play queer characters (apologies if I’m repeating points made elsewhere): do remember that there are millions of queer folk attempting to play a straight character in some or even all aspects of their lives, every day. Many of them do so quite successfully! (At terrible

Bobby, this is way better than being acknowledged by Megyn Kelly Today Today.

Crazy doesn’t get tired. Crazy is DETERMINED.

This article is incredibly unfair to the Krims. No, Yoselyn Ortega’s complaints weren’t legitamite. She made bad financial decisions; she sent her son to expensive private schools, she chose to sublet from a someone who kicked her out shortly after she moved in. They paid her, they offered her extra work when they

If I were rich enough there are very few things I wouldn’t outsource.

It’s a masterclass in shade.

I watched this this morning and also noticed after the snub the Polish First Lady remain standing directly in front of Trump blocking him from the camera’s while she chats with Melanina. It’s very subtle, but the fact she doesn’t immediately step back and get out of the way allowing the cameras a clear view of Trump