
What none of these studies can tell anyone is exactly what the risks are. If you’re using it cannabis as a life saving medication in place of another medication, it would be nice to be able to compare the relative risks and benefits of each. Calling cannabis use selfish in this context is reactionary, ill informed,

I can back up that this has happened every of the handful of times I have been there. The cashiers are also on a strict regimen of gruel and hate so that they’re in the worst moods possible, especially around the holidays (when the cross-to-human ratio in that place is 100000:1 instead of 1000:1 HE’S THE REASON FOR

Previous to the Supreme Court case I only bought specialized Christmas tree ornaments from them. Since then I order online from some super sketchy company from China. This cannot be said for my sister.

I would *really* like to know from whom the Hobby Lobby asswipes bought these artifacts. I have a sick feeling that the answer is ‘Daesh.’

It looked like noone had opened the door for him so he assumed that this car directly in front of the stairs he just descended couldn’t possibly be his car since his limo driver at Trump Tower ALWAYS got out to open and close the door for him. I bet he encounters hundreds of these microaggressions every day. No one

Blocking the entire staircase!!!

I am not convinced by the picture, but the fact that apparently locals talked about seeing Earhart and Noonan in captivity for years makes it a little more plausible to me. From what I remember about what was found on the island I didn’t think that was super-compelling evidence, either. So who knows. Either way it was

I did a presentation on the pay gap at my company last year and not even two slides into my presentation, I had a man interrupt and ask where I got all my data. It’s from the Department of Labor asshole, any more questions?

I know this doesn’t exactly apply to this story, but it’s been gnawing at me all weekend. I went to a friends house for an early fourth party and got roped into a political conversation with a conservative couple (friend of a friend type). It, of course, turned ugly very quickly. I wanted their honest thoughts on how

He should were some tampons in his mouth.

Once again, 53% of white women stabbed themselves along with all other women - actually scratch that - all other human beings on earth - in the back. Traitors.

Yeah, it’s like that one place I worked where some executive asked us what we wanted to improve working there. We said more money. He gave us a game table.

No, they’ve essentially instituted a Chicago-specific draft.

I feel the same way.

I live in the SF bay area and I can tell you that I feel like I’m walking around a college campus with all the 20 something dude-bros walking around in flip flops. Thats the problem with the tech industry. Too many 20 something dude-bros fresh out of the frat house.

TBH, unless I know them personally, when I hear a man say that he wants a “smart and strong woman” I always translate that to “I want a woman that others see as smart and strong so that they will think better of me, but I don’t actually want her to upstage me in any way.”

HThe irony is that there are plenty of women who would be into a dude with money regardless of what he looks like. McClure is either too lazy to find them or he gets off on foisting himself on unsuspecting women. (My guess is the latter.)

I am so sick of this shit! Men in power intimidating women, sexually assaulting them, and the women feeling powerless to say anything until AFTER a report comes out - or a male comedian blasts these predators for their behavior. How many morons will then ask - “why did she wait so long?”

He’s all-in on trying to put that approval rating record where nobody will ever touch it. 15% approval looks unbeatable, but in the days of Trump who fucking knows? New Jersey could elect a rabid bear or something. Dismember a few children on live TV and that 15% starts looking mighty vulnerable.