
It’s like once-respectable America got really drunk, yelled obscene insults at all its friends, threw up in the designated driver’s car, and peed the bed. When we wake up the next day and try to get our shit together, there will be a long period of apology and bridge-building to undo all the damage.

I live abroad too and try to go back to the States every year or so to see my Mom. I doubt I will see her unless she comes here while this baboon is in office. I would have probably stroked out by now if I still lived there. I don’t know how you guys do it. Heavy drinking?

I’m a Brazilian. Few countries in the Western hemisphere are in a more politically troubled situation as us right now (Venezuela being the only one to come from the top of my mind)...

I’m to the point where the only thing I found surprising about this is that he’s figured out how to embed a video in a tweet.

Yeah, it’s awesome. I miss stuff from the 90's. Did you ever notice that the singer from the Foo Fighters totally looks like the drummer from Nirvana?

It reminds me of a passage in The Divide Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood (don’t judge me, I was into it when I was in middle school) where Vivian’s abuse father is looking at her and thinking how he hates women, that they’re fragile, their emotions seep out of them, that they bleed every month, the smell of the blood,

A weird fascination with blood and pathological misogyny? Why, it’s just another traditional sign that he’s the good guy in this story.

It’s certainly another unmistakable symptom of his mental illnesses - I think it ties into his obsession with ‘purity’, somewhat similar to Stassa’s article on pain and suffering.

I’m pretty sure it means he wants to fuck his mom.

I had a bad stomach ache and then I pooed. Now I feel better. I hope you can find similar relief soon.

People who want to save money on contraception by making themselves unfuckable through sartorial idiocy?

Kylie Minogue. Singing and moderate dance movement no syncing. All the strenuous stuff is done by the back up dancers. No stress on her so she can belt it out live.

When I was 13 my BFF’s mom got an ad for a Playgirl subscription in the mail. It was one of those ones where they billed you later. Her mom worked so we got the mail before mom came home. We filled it out (addressed to ‘RESIDENT’) and the Playgirls started showing up. We got a few free issues before her mom found out

“Playgirl: The Magazine for Urologists & Urology Enthusiasts.”

I’ll show myself out.

Well, I mean, the whole made out of wood part...

and if it does, its probably a witch.

**Currently looking for an erect penis to see if it floats**

Yeah I wouldn’t celebrate Susanna too much. She used to be on BBC Breakfast and, despite claiming she’d “bleed BBC” if you cut her, she took a £400k a year paycheque to go and work with Piers Morgan on ITV despite knowing just what sort of top bloke (/s) he is (the fucker has four memoirs despite having done fuck all).

And in someways, it’s this microaggressive shit that’s worse. Like, if a dude were to slap my ass or straight up proposition me, everyone* would immediately understand that as terrible and be outraged. There’s some comfort in knowing the people in the room are all with me on that. On the other hand, when you just get