
I love my hats, but they take up so much space. We live in a small country.

I love hats. I look excellent in them and I enjoy wearing them in summer - people mock me, but with skin cancer rates so high here (and with both of my parents needing skin cancers removed) I don’t see it as that amusing (I wear sun screen too).

Hats are always and forever correct.

Snap! I wanted to wear a hat to my pal’s wedding because I want to be a hat-wearing type and she was all DO IT DO IT DO IT. I was the only one, I think, with a hat but it was a rad hat.

I really want to move to a hat wearing place, it looks like so much fun! I told my friend I wanted to do this and she insisted I get a hat to wear to her wedding. I was the only one, but whatever it looked awesome.

username checks out

I moved to a hat-wearing Euro country three years ago and at first, I made fun of the hats. Then, I got a pink hat as a “haha, look at how Euro I am” ironic wear at my first day at the races. Now I own multiple hats and can’t imagine going to a wedding without. Hats. Are. My. Thing. Now.

Frightened people part with their money faster than anyone

As for Cernovich, in case politics doesn’t pan out, he’s working on a side hustle ripped from the pages of InfoWars: branded supplements. When asked how sales of Gorilla Mind, a nootropic drug based off the name of his self-published book, he told Gizmodo: “I don’t have any yet, but that’ll go well.”

I obviously can’t speak for other people’s tolerance levels of certain dramas or traumas. I will say that this play was intense. It does the book justice, IMO, particularly the second half.

Yeah! If they didn’t already know that we’ve ALWAYS been at war with Oceania, they might as well learn it now.

Would that make him a reformon?

While I’m glad additional corroboration is coming to light that supports Amber Heard’s statements, I am appalled that this is what is required to believe a woman’s word on intimate partner violence.

I totally feel you. My 2 office mates are quick to complain about millennials, but guess who they come to when they need phone or computer help, or want to know the difference between Twitter and Instagram? Or when they have any generic question at all and I Google it? My department manager bragged about hiring an

I was looking for brag thread but I can’t see it :-( apologies if it shows up whilst I’m typing, but I haven’t been on sns for so long and I had to share.

I suppose I’m not surprised that there are 100 comments spanning topics like beauty and aging and film and how important it is to be the first person to comment –and not one of them mentions Will Arnett. I’ve stopped by to say what a strange actor he is, how incomprehensible I find Will Arnett’s celebrity.

I posted last week about being sober just over three months. I had a breakthrough at my meeting this week that was really awesome in how I realized how amazing it is that since I have accepted that I am an alcoholic and decided to seek help, I have thought about drinking but not had that insane need for it.

From this week’s “people are shitty” file:

Hi, I can’t figure out how to join discussion. So trying this. Today has been a horrible day full of weeping. It’s been a bad year but just wanted to say I read this site every night and all of you keep me sane and at times smile, so thank you guys.